[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. no-uuu lol
    standard boxes are 1.5 on BM, event boxes where never 1.5 before when they where on BM.
  2. If you have your bio set with Tractor beam I think so esp. with the event bonus boxes and/or BBD.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2015
  3. 2010!!

    2010!! User

    make the game as pretty as you want but until you get rid of all the underlying bugs constant game problems ie dead servers revamped npc rewards increased uri for real money the game it self will just be the same only looking bit new and shiny....
  4. When is the surgeon goliath going to be in the shop?????!?!?!?!?! -_-
  5. Boogey is right,

    The rare times (mistakes?) the event boxes were on the 4-x maps, they had the same value as the regular maps....never 1.5x ( at least for a long time, 3+ years).
  6. becusican

    becusican User

    I give this post a #1.

    Getting answers to questions once a week is better then getting no answers at all. We did some like this a few yrs back and it worked very well. Forum threads were created for each Dev department, they would leave short message of what they would answer and when the thread would close. Normally the thread would open Tuesday morning, (after everyone was able to read the Monday game update and requests of what did you think. Threads would then close Thursday and answers would start Friday. Weekends were for discussions and feedback of the good or bad answers we got from the Devs lol.. To begin I would start with 1 Dev threat find out what players want to know and who in the DO office would be willing to participate.
  7. imapoofya

    imapoofya User

    Take note... i've been boxing straight for the past 8 hours.... no zeus or apis parts... only ones I got was two apis from a green booty... if youw ant zeus or apis parts don't go for the bnous boxed, the chances you get a part ar slim, very very slim. I'm not sure how many I collected but it's well int he thousands of just the event boxes. Not a sinole pieece... so hell.
  8. [​IMG]Received item: Component of Zeus drone blueprints (4)
  9. load on my server i picked up only 2 out of 75 keys
  10. That's actually pretty lucky.
    I heard, that many have collected nearly 200 boxes, and haven't have single one.

    I collected 100 and got 0
    And last double LF4 day i collected ~60 and had also 0
    Before that i don't remember anymore how many boxes i used, or did i get LF4

    I thought, that now i finally will get atleast one, since odds are increased, but got only lots of shields, motors and LF3.
    It's been ages since i got one.
  11. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    Last edited: Jun 21, 2015
  12. I got 1 lf4 in 62 keys on ge1 :)
  13. I used about 70 keys and got 2
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Some TAS info to do with rewards and achievements.

    Name Description Title Reward
    Bronze This player ranked 3rd in the Training Arena Season Bronze Medallist [​IMG]
    Silver This player ranked 2nd in the Training Arena Season Silver Medallist [​IMG]
    Gold This player ranked 1st in the Training Arena Season Gold Medallist [​IMG]
    Warrior This player ranked between 31st and 50th. Warrior Unkown
    Veteran This player ranked between 11th and 30th. Veteran Unkown
    Elite This player ranked between 4st and 10th. Elite Unkown
    Champion This player is the current champion! Current Arena Champion [​IMG]

    It also seems like the seasons are not immediately after each other. There are two titles for pre-season scores "Pre-Season Champion" and "Pre-Season Warrior".
    Still don't know whether the TA designs are given out per-server or if they are for a global ranking, don't know when it starts either. Will of course post that info if I find it :)
    chixonator and demolisheurAkf like this.
  15. looking at it i think it will be global just like jpa only 1 winner overall
  16. Crystal

    Crystal User

    I'm 100% sure that it will be on every server, 3 goliath designs and one Current Arena Champion title on every server.

    TA leaderboards are divided into every server, so you see just leaders from your server, not global... and i think TA season will have only different new leaderboard with same rules like old TA leaderboard.

    Because it looks that titles will be available on every server and it mean that also rewards will be on every server.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2015
  17. Kerensky

    Kerensky Guest

    Hi guys,

    just to let you know: you have not been forgotten! There’s just a huge load of stuff on our tables in regards to the 3D graphics engine update release.

    Yesterday we rescheduled our launch plans because we are reasonably ahead of our very conservative estimations. So we decided not to wait for longer than is strictly needed. Instead we reshuffled the initial plans and postponed the release of what we call the “Training Arena Seasons” for a few weeks.

    We really want the 3D update to be out so that you can enjoy the fresh look and feel of the game before we start testing the next update. This gives us a chance to take a breath, see what is on your list and not only squeeze that into our plans but make it a priority.
    The discussion we are having here in this thread already set into motion an ever accelerating and exciting process. Of course we knew about many of the long-standing, often-discussed issues that have been raised in the forum, the weekly reports and all the other channels we are following and really wanted to do something about these but (like we said) haven’t.

    Now it seems we have reached the point where we are really ready to do something about issues like
    · The general balancing of the game (game mechanics, costs vs. benefits, new players vs. veteran players, new content vs. update existing content, drop rates, etc.)
    · Server population
    · Unfair players

    That does not seem like much in and by itself but, as I think I tried to explain before, all these things are dependent on each other. We are now in the lucky situation that we can untangle this big Gordian knot of interdependencies and see how to best address the individual threads.

    The last two days we spent looking at what we can do and how we can fit this into our planning for the next 6+ months.

    We know that some of the tasks before us are rather big and may take more than just a few weeks to accomplish but we promise to keep you in the loop much better than we have done in the past.

    I’ll see if I can give you a more comprehensive update tomorrow and will also try and react to some more posts. (Drop chances... that's something to do with maths, right? My personal nighmare! >.<)

    And @Okapi32 : I got your mail – thank you for reaching out! I’ll get back to you personally in the ‘morrow. :)

  18. i have to say with utmost pleasure this is the best post i have seen from a member of the team, i dont think u quite understand how long we have wanted to hear from the guys who are running the show to me especially it has given me hope that the community DO once had with players and mod/dev teams might be returning at last i take my hat off to u :) and again okapi (boss) :) u are the man
  19. I want to ask you something, Are you moderator? If no, where did you get the revealted Information? Just corious.
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