[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Kerensky!
    Hi! I hope you will read this and understand it as correctly as it possible!
    Just imagine a situation! You come in shop to buy some stuffs and when you make a payment you see that it cost for you 40 euro but wait other guy in front of you directly with the same things paid 20 euro! LOL! What a strange reason of this?! You ask manager what is this and the answear is: are you turkish? No! So this stuffs cost for you 40! Does someone like this?
    Why do i ask? Im from Ukraine! My acc have the same registration! Prices is next ( Premium 6 euro, discount 15 euro, 1 million uri 100 euro) And for example prices for Russian Federation is half of mine for all things! For Turkish its looks like 60% of mine as i know! And here we have 12 servers where 75% players are from the same countries and have this unlim offer!
    And totally why do i need to pay double for the same premium and discount? What is the difference between my premium and theirs? Why for Russian federation prices was changed on euro and go down on 50% in reason of hard economic situation and for my country not if it have military conflict inside with Russian Federation and also hard economic situation for a last year? What a pleasure i can have in this game if i know that i need to pay double price for the same in front of half part of all DOplayers or maybe more? Is it possible that community team will look care about this and this question can be resolved or i hope for nothing?
  2. Something many people fail to realize is admins and devs have their own fun in the game too, but its on test servers where they occasionally put ridiculous numbers just for the heck of it before the official numbers are represented or planned.
    Im pretty sure if I was running my own server copy of DO id definitely play with way high numbers just for the fun of it.

    And they did however reduce the formations to remove the OP appearance they first had.
  3. Yeah but X got hit unnecessarily hard
  4. KingLiu

    KingLiu User

    A very good question.There was/is a group of russians which had a way to send unlimited uri,items and as well unbann accounts without a acp log or a log in the game account.Just imagine the 100€ for the uridium you paid you could get like for 0€ 1bil....
    But BP never punished the guys the group who did this and every account of them exist with tons of items but not even 100€ money banked in their history.

    BP solved it and never published anything about it.
  5. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    But still... I also forgot to mention that the 20% DMG bonus for one of the formation, also makes the differences between people who just started and veterans.

    Strong player hits now (example)
    100K --> +20% bonus --> 120

    Weak player hits now (example)
    50K --> +20% bonus --> 60K

    Difference old:

    Difference new:

    Prices are indeed changed to ''inflation and value of your currency''. For example: if dozens of people make 100 euros in a month and you make 1000 euros (by a better job), it seems logic that prices in the country where people earn 100 euros a month, are lower to make sure that everyone can get his / her personal needs. If Bigponit woulnd't alter the prices, prices in Russia could get to expensive, causing them to lose customers.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2015
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Test server is on, with new formations.
    Dragon_Of_Dark™ likes this.
  7. Well u can say like that but for my country is not like that... Average payment in Albania is like 400 euros a month (according to numbers cause reality is lower) and prices for albania are 100€ for 1 mill uri thats about 1/4 of what ppl get so they dont have players from albania in big numbers. It would be logically better for us to have better prices just like some other countries that have it for 30 or 40€ or so.... I cant afford buying uridium or any other thing with those payments.... It is 100$ for americans that get like 3-5k $ a month so its like 1/30 or less of what they get... i dont want an anti logic or bug to come so im saying to cut prices in half or 40% of what it is now cause its too expensive right now. Income in Albania is lower than Turkey or Russia and we got higher prices if they got better prices why we dont? Make same for all or work with same standards to all countries cause if its up to income prices for Albania will be lower
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2015
  8. Drill formation should be just for PvE. This just so we can all poof and be poofed 20% faster. Like we are not space debris, already.
  9. Eh id still use pincer more than Drill since it reduces speed.Easy to run away from, Ring is ok, Dome is ok....X is just plane garbage lol they need a discussion thread for this.
  10. .Wagon.

    .Wagon. User

    Ok, so here is my review of new formations with changes.

    Speed is increased by 5%; however, laser damage is reduced by 20%, and this formation drains shields by 5% per second.

    First of all there is no use of "wheels" in a space game :p

    But seriously, this is the formations I've biggest concern about. Please don't touch speed anymore. The game is already imbalanced with Pusat having so high speed. There should be no formation that increases speed.
    It'll badly affect the game play. Right now it is hard to fight Pusat when they can get away easily. This formation will become a pain for many people as hunting will become harder. Pusat is a big problem for goli, its hard to fight people who runs, rep and come back and do it again.

    Here's another reason why you shouldn't touch the speed. (As posted by some1 before)

    Spearhead base speed 588
    spearhead base speed + 5% boost = 617.4

    goliath base speed 540
    goliath base speed + 5% boost = 567

    A goli can have a max speed of 567 with this formations which is even less than the normal speed of Pusat/ spear. Clearly, goli doesn't have any benefit with this formation. It'll only help fast ships like pusat.
    No matter what speed bonus you give, the current speed dynamics are such that fast ships will have a much greater advantage over the other ships like goli. So please don't touch speed.

    In simple words, it'll only imbalance the game further.

    Please Don't add this!! Don't play with speed anymore.

    Laser damage is increased by 20%; however, shield points are reduced by 25%, shield spread by 5%, and speed by 5%.

    As many people have already suggested it should be prohibited with PvE only. Its good for NPC but if worked on players then this additional 20% is too much and would severely imbalance the game. For PvP the drawbacks are too weak compared to the damage bonus.

    So make it only for NPC.

    These are the only 2 formations I think needs to be changed (and wheel needs to be removed / change completely off the speed ).
    Other formations are not perfect but I think these two are more important.

    So please remove Wheel completely (No Speed bonus!) and if possible make Drill working on NPC only.

    And the most important advice will be to actually listen to the people here and make changes. Its us who will buy and use it in our game play, not you :D You don't get as much time to test stuff in a real server as us. Test servers are good but will never be able to match a real server.
    So please listen to us and try to improve this game and not make it worse ^^

    Thank You
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2015
  11. Don't add X Formation either, that's a waste of Uri. It might as well do the same as Wave
  12. As we see increasing speed reduces defense, and increasing dmg output reduces speed.Let a pusat with wheel try to run down a goli or some other ship ready for a fight, they would insta pop.
  13. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    I never said i agreed with the differences, indeed I think they are just to big. But unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it. At least now we've got some kind of explanation but thats it xp.

    Somewhat of this subject:

    Testserver laggs! I haven't been able to check out the testserver for a single time... how about you only being able to go in there once per time that it is opened? I don't think that you need more time to ''test'' it anyway. The biggest reason why people join a testserver is because they get free stuff -.-

    New suggestions for drone formations:
    Why increase or decrease the value of HP, shield and damage output? There are only 4 formations that I consider to be ''creative'' (being the crab, moth, double arrow and lance formations). Therefore try to be creative bigpoint! Here are some ideas that could replace the stats of the afore mentioned formations:

    Increases laser damage against players by 5% but reduces hitpoints by 20%. 100K

    Increases shield absorption by 5%, no cons. 75K

    Alternate Dome:
    Increases damage (both PVE and PVP), HP and shields by 10%. Also grants you a 10% lower damage income from ALL rocketdamage and 5% lower incoming laserdamage. It will reduce your speed however by 50%. 125K

    Increases shield value by 25% but reduces HP by 10%. 100K

    Increases both earned experience- and honourpoints with 25%, it will reduce your laserdamage however by 50%. 100K

    Increases you speed by 20 for travelling distances more quickly (now that there is no % bonus, both fast and slow ships will benefit the same from the speedboost). Reduces your shieldabsorption by 10%. 75K

    Alternate wheel
    Speed increases by 10 per second to a maximum of 50 increase. Starts from standard speed again when hit by player. 125K
    This way: you can travel maps more quickly without being able to run away from enemys.

    Increases damage against NPC's by 25%, it will drain your HP however at a rate of 1% per second (no max). 75K

    X - precision
    Increases hit chance for all weaponsystem by 25%. No cons. 100K

    Alternate X
    Increases ALL rocket damage by 25%, reduces your speed by 5%. 75K

    Anti Mine damage
    Reduces ALL mine damage (excluding EMP and slowdown) by 75%. No cons. 125K

    More mine damage
    Boost 25% more mine damage (excluding EMP, slowdown) and 25% bigger explosion rate, will also make mines detonate 15% earlier (including EMP, slowdown). Reduces your laser damage by 10% during usage and until 1 minute after you've switched to another formation. 75K

    Personally I would love it if bigpoint would introduce such formations, Not to OP and I think they really add a new tactic gameplay to the game. Let me know what you guys think!

    How about these formations??? I would much rather see these anyday!


    Last edited: Jun 30, 2015
  14. SauronL

    SauronL User

    I dont understand why do they want to add overpowered formations to the game . Better for me would be if they wouldnt add any. Becuz its gonna unballance game that is already unballanced. I dont understand why they want to replace old ones . Just add 1 or 2 new formations that are OK and not 180% shield or 20% dmg one. Bye with that.
    whoeva likes this.
  15. Leave them as they are now and get on with it!
  16. Jurjstyle

    Jurjstyle User

    The problem is the effort too . Think about hercules how hard is to get ten of them and the bonus for shield while a formation gives you so much . A too good advantage needs a too bad disadvantage causing the formation useless or op depending .. The same with drill and havoc .
    SauronL likes this.
  17. Well in my point of view I can say I like Drill, Veteran and Ring. Others are not so bad but I don't see the point in buying them as well...
  18. -Corex-

    -Corex- User

    So far only the Ring (buying this) and Drill is Worth it... im not sure about the X.. i think it could use more buffs. its a PVE formation after all..
  19. Crystal

    Crystal User

    This is my opinion for new formations..

    this formation is still overpowered, 20%+ dmg only for 150000U??? wft? Formation shouldn't give more than 10% dmg.

    Change the parameters or the price, maybe what about 400000u? its too much? i dont think so... imagine how much cost Havocs, pilot bio or upgrades and they all give less dmg bonus.....

    Nobody will buy it, it gives only 25% bonus for shield(regeneration 0,01% or 0,1% is nothing), and still 3 big disadvantages, really bad formation.

    This formation is most overpowered, 180% shield? I have no words........

    Formation for bots on boxes... ring has bad disadvantages, this formation should have reduced speed(maybe for 30%), now its just overpowered formation for bots and for running away...

    This formation has good basic idea, but 20% honor is too much. We have one formation with 5% bonus and now jump into 20%?
    btw. after this update pincer will be pointless.

    Honor very influence rank points, with this we will be able to collect a lot of honor from gates and of course rank points will rise faster... so result? elite will lead with more rank point and normal players will have small ranks(again).

    Formation only for running, but it works fine, chance for everyone to escape from battle.
    Really good that formation drains shields, bots will not use it. :)

    So, this is for me OK

    This is just for look, so nobody will buy it....

    This formation should change, sorry but it's really idiotic and nobody will buy it

    5% EXP and 1% dmg bonuses are pointless when we have bat formation with 8%.
    And no Honor is earned, and PvP lasers cause no damage- This is really nonsence and i don't want this formation neither for free :D
  20. Crystal, for the Ring formation, shields points are increased by 180%, however, laser damage is reduced by 40%, and cooldown times for rockets and rocket launchers are increased by 40%. Meaning it takes 40% longer to launch rockets and you'll hit way less. If you hit 100,000, you'll be hitting 60,000.
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