[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Likely yeah. Its not so necessary as lf-4 or drone designs which is good. If they release bo3 it would just be pointless. Too much shield going around unless it adds a new feature.
  2. cbr14567

    cbr14567 User

    Hi does anyone know when the next Hercules drone design sale will be
    - Purchasing 150,000 uridium on mhh and getting the additional bonus of the herc drone design and some spins.


    CHANCE User

    It could happen next week because next week it's the last weekend of the UBA EXPO event. We've seen this before in the Helix Event. At the end of the Helix Event, there was the Hercules deal; so probably there will be a Hercules deal next week.

    Helix Event and UBA EXPO event are similar events. :)

    Free to speculate right?

    Here are the deals in case if you didn't know.

    - 15,000 Uridium package
    75 x Extra Energy / 5 x Green Booty Keys
    - 30,000 Uridium package
    150 x Extra Energy / 10 x Green Booty Keys
    - 75,000 Uridium package
    375 x Extra Energy / 25 x Green Booty Keys
    - 150,000 Uridium package
    375 x Extra Energy / 25 x Green Booty Keys / 1 x Hercules Drone Design
    - 330,000 Uridium package
    500 x Extra Energy / 25 x Green Booty Keys / 1 x Hercules Drone Design / 1 Month Premium Membership / 1 Month Rebate Advantage Pack

    Plus there could be a helix hour next week. :D

    cbr14567 likes this.
  4. cbr14567

    cbr14567 User

    thanks dude ur the best man aha do you mean this week or next week like thanks
  5. Btw, this chirtmas event, will be back the R-IC3 rockets and CBO-100 and CBR ? would be nice :D
  6. Any info/news on the downloadable client?
  7. So 1 x Hercules Drone Design is de euro spend or uridium bought?

    CHANCE User

    Probably the week of 30 August 2015. Helix Event ended with Hercules deal, so UBA EXPO Event might end similarly.


    It's the one where you buy 150,000 Uridium and 330,000 Uridium.

  9. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello all^ ^

    As was hinted at, it looks as though there is some fun in the works with the PET, or ones off their space-leash at least:eek:

    So we have some more reveals to go with it:

    It looks like we can expect some new NPCs in the form of different leveled rogue PETs (remember there's 15 PET levels!) to come visit us as they'll invade our maps

    This will come with missions, targeted for high and low level players which looks to be 28 missions in all. Each mission chunk has an epic mission of sorts that will spawn a galaxy gate which ultimately have a PET Boss waiting for us

    Galaxy gates and some maps may have special zones where your PET will go passive when within them.

    & Of course, the event will have achievements and sales - though with the PETs invading I think we can expect many of these may be geared towards the PET

    oh, and special boxes because even PETs like event boxes ;)
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    PET event / GG stuff:

    There is a new quest condition for some of the 28 new quests:

    <item name="q2_condition_VISIT_DISRUPTION_ZONE">
    <![CDATA[ Visit PET disrupting zones on the following maps: ]]>

    Another PET GG map was added, the layout and map background has been set to mirror the first map. I think this would mean that there is a easy mode and a hard mode, similar to the winter gate last year. This would also make sense with the info Solid_Eye posted regarding the quests being split between targeted for high and low level players.

    To add to the high / low level stuff there is 2 'Boss' PET, in the code comment they are listed as "wild pet high level boss" and "wild pet low level boss". They use the lv15 pet models and have a new shader called wild_pet as well as some red particle effects.

    The current PET NPC names - although the names from this source aren't always the same as the end result so keep that in mind - listed from weakest to most powerful:

    • P.E.T. Scout
    • P.E.T. Decoy
    • P.E.T. Raider
    • P.E.T. Mercenary
    • P.E.T. Medic
    • P.E.T. Soldier
    • P.E.T. Engineer
    • P.E.T. Vanguard
    • P.E.T. Infiltrator
    • P.E.T. Destroyer
    • P.E.T. Commander
    • P.E.T. Stalker
    • P.E.T. Berserker
    • P.E.T. Pack leader
    • P.E.T. Veteran
    • P.E.T. Alpha *
    • P.E.T. Alpha **

    *Low level boss
    ** High level boss

    Breaking News bit for Surgeon sale next weekend:

    Greetings, Pilots!

    You have not had the chance to get the Surgeon design last weekend? Well, you are lucky. The ship manufacturers have decided to put it on sale this weekend to show gratitude for the overwhelming success of the UBA Expo.

    Still undecided? Here are the benefits the Surgeon design will provide you:

    • 6% damage bonus
    • 6% honor bonus
    • 6% XP bonus and
    • 1 additional generator slot

    What are you waiting for? Visit UBA Expo right now. You may also find other interesting items offered for a bargain.
  11. it sounds like a pet event like a few years back but with more stuff so prob pet gear/prot discounts

    oh, and special boxes because even PETs like event boxes

    on that comment could be boxes only the pet can see like that event and they have amc mines in :p
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  12. My P.E.T. is gonna beat up your P.E.T. o_O:eek::oops::rolleyes:
  13. WHat's the % off for surgeon ? 20%?
  14. It isn't a normal sale it's just going on sale. It's 300k uri, you want a price drop get prem and rebate.
  15. MяF™

    MяF™ User

    I think it's highly likely it will be on sale with a % reduction, looking at their Twitter feed at least...
  16. It's going of sale with the Event.

    Greetings, Pilots!

    You have not had the chance to get the Surgeon design last weekend? Well, you are lucky. The ship manufacturers have decided to put it on sale this weekend to show gratitude for the overwhelming success of the UBA Expo.
  17. Yes, and someone know if R-IC3 will be back again this december 2015 ?
  18. That's all up to the devs, but seeing how popular/hated they were, they will most likely be back.
  19. Hope so :D :):p
  20. SauronL

    SauronL User

    its really original , pet gate ...
    they could give us another hades but like aby i d like it xd
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