[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

  2. *Amitié*

    *Amitié* User


    Thank you for these informations :)
  3. Hello Everybody,

    It's Christmas before time :D
    *Amitié* likes this.
  4. the game i moved to put the crafting system into play and it makes the game play and to get items alot better
  5. Awesome crafting to the orbit.More variety is always tasty *_*

    Also its kinda cool how Okapi finds something and mentions it then Admins provide a nice little spoiler :cool:, Kinda like a forum game where you find information to get a spoiler.
  6. F1™

    F1™ User

    so when will tunnel of terror will become a fact??
  7. I think I love you guys for this.
  8. Toudi

    Toudi User

    I smell MMORPG here ;] Can't wait !!!
  9. Wow... looks like fun on the horizon
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  10. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Hope we can craft lf4 xD

    i would spend 100k for them
    chixonator likes this.
  11. I look forward to how this will play out. Seems somewhat interesting.
    -Corex-, SauronL and chixonator like this.
  12. PoteNoob

    PoteNoob User

    This looks really really nice my friend, it would add more fun to the game honestly, there could be events based on this and more stuff, great work, to be able to craft booty keys would be awesome, of course not LF-4s directly, bigpoint would never want that, neither all the people that already paid ( you might say it's their problem and you are right).
  13. lol well, wouldn't be the first time DO would take from something else XD
  14. minecraft... lol... the king of crafting games
    chixonator likes this.
  15. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Many games actually have and had crafts. And u forgot u will also have to find the recipe before u can craft it. Minecraft is really different
    chixonator likes this.
  16. Eh i mean, in technicality it's the same. But yeah, a lot of games have this feature. Only real way it'd copy one of them is if they took the exact build layout. And made you do all the things they did like placing things in a certain place, like Minecraft lol.
  17. DO Going MMORPG :)) ganna wait fot crafting system. hahaha
  18. Veki

    Veki User

    Will not this be a problem for players who start the gate in the afternoon at the start of the event due to work / school? By the end of the event they will have to start at midnight or will not be able to atart at all.
  19. the event in some places will start when the kids are off school for a week or 2 and if people finish the gate after work they will be able to finish the gate again the next day after work
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