[SC] What about the demise of Flash Player?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SoloMaster, Jul 20, 2019.

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  1. SoloMaster

    SoloMaster User

    I see that Flash Player will not be supported after late 2020...So, is Dark Orbit going with HTML5 or ????? I would be MORE than ready to beta-test an HTML5 Dark Orbit client---what are the devs thoughts? the player's thoughts????
  2. Wingm8

    Wingm8 Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hey there SoloMaster,

    They've been working on a client version, but as for the details there are none to share yet, as it could easily be subject to change later down the road. They'll release all the necessary information as soon as they're ready to do so. :)

    Sagturius likes this.
  3. lol they'll need 2 years as there coders are complete [Removed].
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 21, 2019
    pecanin likes this.
  4. Perhaps you'd like to do a better job? :)
  5. You ever play War Thunder?

    Well. when Flash Player is gone. It will be a Downloadable game like War Thunder, Battle Star Galactic and a lot of other Games that you can download to your PC.

    Dark Orbit will be like War Thunder You will have to Down Load the game to your PC to get on the server
  6. Actually no they aren't going to make it "downloadable."

    Apparently they are making their own browser with a version of flash player that they will have to maintain so it will unfortunately be the same exact game but just a custom browser instead of your own.

    Like the other guy said though their coders are a little meh, so I really do not see this game being stable to even play after flash is gone because if they can't manage a small game like this then God knows how they can manage their own browser and their own flash player.
    Acetaminophen likes this.
  7. As un can see: http://www.bigpoint.com/darkorbit/board/threads/unofficial-darkorbit-revealed.43381/page-19 they are developing theyr own client.
    U can see what they will do in DarkOrbit, Google >> SeaFight >> Sign Up >> Download client, where they already done this type of client (they will do the same thing here) or checking Killmedium YT channel

    Basically it will be a dedicated browser (like chrome, opera, safari, maxthon, but u can access only DO site) with a own Flash Player integrated. (soo it will lag like now :p).

    OP32 confirmed in discord (to me and other players) that they are not moving to HTML5 or Unity, cauz the game is too old and the code too much complex ( :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:) and this makes us understand the skills level of the BP coders ....

    By beeing a browser and not a pure client (like LoL where all the data is stored in ur PC) we will not see any high improvement in the gameplay (low lag, more reactivity switching conf or jumping in gates).
  8. Perhaps they should hire the Russians to fix it
  9. You don't understand. Adobe will discontinue and delete flash player and related exe. At that point it is done, not to mention Chrome and Firefox and most other major browsers will not support flash in any form. DO can't create their own flash.

    If that is the direction they are going it is so stupid, it just won't happen. Flash will be deprecated and gone, any old versions will not be supported in your browser. Looks like a dead end here if that is the path.

    If DO thinks they can keep a current flash allow browser alive to play this game it will be riddled with security problems within days or weeks of separation from Google or Firefox and you are doomed. It is just dumb. They can't fix bugs or cheats in their own game, much less keep up with major tech firms, which give us nightly downloads of latest browsers, right? Think about it for a second or two.

    If that is the direction it is going it is dunzo.

  10. That isn't really how these things work. They are phased out over a long period, after which any support is stopped - if someone wants to continue using the technology then they can, but they're on their own in that regard.

    Windows XP was discontinued by Microsoft (except for the US military, they have a contract), but it didn't up and vanish from people's computers overnight.
  11. Sgt~Ocker

    Sgt~Ocker User

    All DO is doing is "trying" to ensure the game continues (as cheaply as possible for them) a while longer.

    A dedicated browser isn't an answer for the issues with the game now (all the bots and other hacks)

    Hundreds of thousands of other companies have converted to HTML 5 or even Unity because of the long term benefits for their customers and themselves - DO have never considered their paying customers during development, it has always been about maximum $ for minimum cost and nothing about this seems to be changing.

    I look forward to reading the amended EULA when the "new" browser is released - Example; DO and those associated with the company will not be responsible for and viruses or other bad stuff downloaded to your personal computer by using our product. DO accept no responsibility for poor performance while playing our game, we will ALWAYS blame the shortcomings of our cheap as possible to maintain product on the user.
    IRON-THRONE likes this.
  12. anduril

    anduril User

    Ok. Here is more info.

    Essentially, all major browser vendors will stop supporting Flash at the end 2020. Please refer to Adobe's official announcement at Flash & The Future of Interactive Content | Adobe Blog, which contains links to posts from the various browser vendors, who posted similar announcements the same day as Adobe's announcement.

    Essentially I'm looking to know if we can continue to support an app written in Adobe Flash beyond the end of 2020 by using an older version of a browser (as a last resort) and if so which browser & version.

    This really isn't recommended as it will require using a Flash Player version that isn't maintained or updated with security fixes. It's safe to assume malicious actors will continue to exploit Flash knowing there won't be a security fix (after 2020) for whatever it is they find, or create to exploit Flash. Assuming you'd want to take the risk, it's virtually impossible to guess what browser/version combination to use as browser vendors are continuously introducing end-user friction in the Flash space by being more strict with blocking Flash, forcing click-to-play for each domain (including sub-domains) and browsing sessions.

    So yes, it isn't the way things work for old OS like XP. The death of flash has been known for years. Near the end of 2020 (next year) Adobe Flash will not load in a modern, secure browser. Using any browser, as opposed to a client app, will expose you to security risks.

    Google search: caveat emptor

    Good luck :)
  13. Reading the comments on how unsecure the new Darkorbit browser would be then you could count me out on playing this game.

    I really didn't realize how bad the whole Adobe Flash would affect Darkorbit LOL
  14. madhatter2

    madhatter2 User

    any software that is no longer supported is open to all kinds of risks, but I suppose DO don't mind if you end up with viruses etc, as long as they get your money. they should re- write the entire game and give the existing players a code , so you don't start from scratch again,
    but to be honest I think the coding for anything but a flash game is beyond them. they code in the dark ages!! (long live the dinosaur ).

    oopps its dead !!!.
  15. They are the Virus!