[SC] What does my ship need for NPC and GGates ?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by TheTürkishPower52, Sep 21, 2021.

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  1. Hello guys. First of all, I want to learn from you what I need for NPCs and GGates. After doing what you said, I want to fight with other players, I would be happy if you could say a few words about this. Thanks in advance to all who took the time to help.
    (My English is not perfect, I would appreciate if you do not use abbreviations as much as possible.)
    I started the game about with friends 11 years ago. However, I had to take a break due to school and work. I will try to do what you have to say based on the information you provide here.

    I will list all the things I have.
    16 Level
    15 green booty keys.
    720m credit.
    60k uridium.

    15 - LF-4 Laser (standart) on İris
    2 LF4- Magmadrill
    2 LF4- Hyperplasmoid
    1 LF4- Paritydrill
    26 - LF-3 Laser
    25 - SG3N Shield
    19 - G3N - 7900 Speed Generator
    14 - Fusion Shield III
    5 - Scatter Laser III
    1 - DMG - SG01 Module

    And I bought the other standard extras I could get. Like Rocket CPU, Repair Bot CPU...
    All at the level I got, no upgrades.

    The collector and refineries in Skylab are 20 levels.

    I have 12 skill tree points and 72 Log-Disk.

    My ships and desings:
    Aegis with Elite
    Goliath with Bastion, Enforcer, Exalted, Veteran
    Vengeance with Avenger, Corsair, Revenge.

    If I want, I can get one of Solace, Goliath Sovereign, Goliath Peacemaker, Goliath Centaur, Goliath Vanquisher, Venom, Diminisher, Sentinel, Spectrum, Vengeance Lightning from the assembly area.

    Pet 8 Level + Auto Resource Collector (3) + Radar Protocol (3)
    I bought these to collect palladium.

    Galaxy Gates
    I've never done a galaxy gate. Because I dont think my damage will be enough.
    Part status on the gates:
    Alpha :29/34
    Beta :44/48
    Gamma : 41/82
    Delta : 0/128
    Epsılon : 0/98
    Zeta : 102/111
    Kappa : 0/120

    Thanks once again to everyone who helped. (Sorry if I wrote anything wrong.)
  2. ok so on ship on 1c 15 lasers full speed drones 10 lasers 10 shield on 2c ship 15 lasers full shields on drones full lasers so you can run fast if need to on 1c on 2c you can fight npc or players and you can do gates run and hit more damage on 2c or 1c ship lasers and speed drones full shields if not lvl 20 shields if you need more info just ask :)
    TheTürkishPower52 likes this.
  3. Can you tell me what I should do more step by step, not as a configuration? For example, should I use the green keys? What should I take with uridium? Which lasers should I get? When should I start completing the gates? When will I have enough power to complete the gate?
  4. prom lasers r the best in bl maps you can get them if you r lvl 17 to jump in gate bl for gates u can do them run and hit , to have power you need to lvl all up to max lasers , shields , skilltree , and pet helps lots fix it to all slots open on pet and heat ones to for ship extras on ship slot cpu 4 ,rocket turbo, rocket launcher cpu,repair -bot auto cpu, turbo mine cpu , insta-shield cpu, auto rocketcpu,advanced jump cpu , repair bot 4 , cargo bay expansion and do gates back to back you can put your lf 4 on drones 2 LF4- Magmadrill
    2 LF4- Hyperplasmoid
    1 LF4- Paritydrill lf 3 on ship and pet no need to lvl them up you will, lvl up prom lasers from bl map
    TheTürkishPower52 likes this.
  5. Save for drill formation (do daily guests for uridium), get solace from assembly, try to get the module that gives +15% npc damage and don't use the booty keys, save them for later to use in prometheus lasers unless you don't have apis or zeus drones.

    You are capable to do any GG easily, just get yourself a kamikaze 3 for it to make it faster with low hp aliens. I did my first alpha 10 years ago with a vengeance and just credit-bought items without kamikaze. I recommend doing Zeta or Kappa as they are easy and give good rewards on double gg days

    Oh and also try to stack seprom in your lasers as it will speed up things quickly.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2021
    TheTürkishPower52 likes this.
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