[SC] What is the point of cubi-portal?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ~Monster~, Aug 15, 2016.

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  1. ~Monster~

    ~Monster~ User

    What is the point of the cubi-portal? If the prots don't spawn it would be useful, but it seems they do.

    The only reason I think it would be useful would be if either prots don't spawn or if it is not just a 1-use item.

    Is there any use to this item?
  2. It is your PRIVATE Cubikon where you have no one to bother you while you destroy it alone. Yes it is useless if you are UFE and kill them by yourself all the time anyways but then not everyone is allowed to be left alone while they attack the Cube's in the x-6 map.


    how do i get a private cubikon portal ?
  4. It is part of the Hitac Event rewards. You can read about it in the links provided by @Solid_Eye in the E A. There are 2 links provided one for the Event and one for the Hitac. It is a chance reward from the capsule converter that can be used one time only during the event but you can get more than one during the event but if I remember correctly has a 72 hour cooldown timer attached to it.


    thankyou my friend
  6. I do what I can. Glad I was able to help.
  7. SauronL

    SauronL User

    that portal is only good for crazy cubes.
  8. It's probably just one cube - me thinks just gonna farm the prots...Hey 1% ers post when you got it for us(DO com) to know how it is. Post on You the man/female/trans Tube for better results ;)
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