Scormagedon rewards

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ζΞĆăpţ.ĦăωķΞζ, Dec 14, 2013.

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  1. Hello,

    I am just curious if it takes time to have rewards from Scoremagedon booked or if I was missed. I placed 23rd but have not seen the rewards booked to my account.

    Thank you for your attention.
  2. Qwsazxcde1

    Qwsazxcde1 User

    They usually give the rewards 2 days after the event.
  3. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello ζΞĆăpţ.ĦăωķΞζ

    Thankyou for your answer Qwsazxcde1.

    Scoremaggedon rewards are booked by Support after the results are checked and confirmed. Depending on how busy they are, the process may take up to a week. If there are unexpected problems or delays, details will be posted in the Headquarters.

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