Searching for Brave Space Pilots wanting a new challenge: Apply to be a Mod today

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Juturna, Nov 19, 2013.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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  1. Juturna

    Juturna User


    Hello Space Pilots,

    DarkOrbit Needs You!

    The DarkOrbit community support team is looking for Traffic Controllers and Space Advisors who know their way around social space like the back of their hands, are tough to withstand the harshest of ion storms of the internet, who do neither fear talking to Streuners, Kristallins nor other players and who have the diplomatic skills to make friends with even the Emperor of Lordakia.

    Are you ready to apply?

    If you are older than 18 years of age and you think you are a good addition for our team of moderators, please follow the application instructions below to send us your letter of motivation!

    Will you step up to save mankind?

    Join the Darkorbit team – not just as a gamer but rather as a real fellow-in-arms. Darkorbit grows every day and along with it, so does the community. That’s why we’re looking for new highly motivated individuals to support the community.

    Apply now:

    We need Forum moderators and Chat moderators.

    Your profile:

    - You have experience with Darkorbit, play on a regular basis and know the game like the back of your hand (at least level 17 and having played the game at least 6 months)
    - You can provide tips to other players about the game and you like to lend a helping hand
    - You like playing the role of moderator and are diplomatic and fair
    - You are an expert when it comes to game communication systems such as the Chat, Discord, Teamspeak, etc. and are active in the Forum yourself
    - You’re online at least once a day
    - You are fluent in both written and spoken English
    - You are responsible, professional, and are resilient to critique
    - You are a team-oriented individual who puts an emphasis on loyalty and exercises complete discretion Past experience as a moderator in other forums or chats is an added bonus, but is not a requirement.

    We're a friendly and well-organized team which greets newcomers with open arms. Whether you'd like to work in the Forum or the Chat is up to you, just let us know if you have a preference!

    Here's a small run-down of the duties that await you:

    Your responsibilities as a Forum moderator:

    - You enforce the Forum rules
    - You read almost all messages
    - You're the external representative for the team
    - You provide the users with help and advice in the Forum
    - You play an active part in developing new ideas for Darkorbit
    - You moderate the Forum to the best of your ability and knowledge
    - If necessary, you also reprimand and/or warn users

    Your responsibilities as a Chat moderator:

    - You enforce the Chat rules
    - You read what is written in the Chat
    - You are the external representative for the team
    - You provide help in the Chat or refer users to the Forum
    - You play an active part in developing new ideas for Darkorbit
    - You moderate the Chat to the best of your ability and knowledge
    - If necessary, you also reprimand and/or warn users

    How can you apply?

    A high level of activity in the game and an extraordinary amount of Chat/Forum entries by you are of course the best way to apply. But in order for us to get a better picture of you, we'd be more than happy to receive a short resume from you by e-mail including the following information: Please be sure to include all requested information.

    1. What's your proper name?
    2. Please confirm that you are applying to join the EN Mod Team.
    3. What is/are your nickname(s) in the game?
    4. What's your User ID(s) and server(s) you play on?
    5. What's your Forum name?
    6. Forums Profile Link: (please provide)
    7. How old are you? date of birth?
    8. Where are you from (country/address)?
    9. In general, what times are you usually online?
    10. What exactly is your motivation to become a moderator?
    11. In a short text, describe yourself (Content: everything that you can tell us about yourself so that we can form an image of your character).
    12. My knowledge of the Terms of Service.

    So, did we spark your interest? Then apply now: To apply just answer the above questions in an email and send to this address below:

    The application process is not a short process, and may take some time to complete the process. Your accounts are examined, support history is checked, as well as a few other key bits of information.


    Your application and content is confidential. Do not make any post or public announcement regarding your application, should you do so your application will be rejected. You will take an oath and sign a confidentiality agreement. We look forward to receiving your application and hope you continue to have fun playing Darkorbit.

    Your Darkorbit Team
    Last edited by moderator: May 2, 2024
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