Season (6) Pass intended that "Pusat" not "Pusat Plus", has boosted chance for ship upgrade modules?

Discussion in 'Technical Event Issues' started by Kyro, Aug 3, 2024.

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  1. Kyro

    Kyro User


    I know that is what it said, but doesn't exactly make sense why, so tried giving benefit of doubt and assumed was a wording thing(ignored it). Well breaking news text wise, but the FAQ wording does make it look much less that they meant "Pusat Plus"(since it it says explicitly "Pusat ship")...

    That was first module got, which at least assuming I'm not just that unlucky and it is that "Pusat" has the boosted chance.

    I can't be the only Pusat enjoyer annoyed by this*, so could also see this as me trying to get this fixed/recognised - if this was a mistake by the devs(though dunno why they would really decide on the non-plus version Pusat). >.>

    *Only reason was gonna try doing this Season Pass, luckily only spent Uridium on the Gold Pass though.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2024
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