Season Pass 5 Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Apr 30, 2024.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Please post your constructive feedback here for Season Pass 5. Please be thoughtful in your comments here and feel free to create new posts in the appropriate areas for your questions or event discussions.

    As usual, off topic posts will be removed from this thread.

    Thank you,
  2. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    i'll pass on buying the pass, been fooled to many times, the game will keep having issues and crashing. like it has the last 3 seasons. it crashed just this past weekend and was unplayable. so lets see who will pay for it, then will see them complaining in the fourms about losing things because the game was down. Fix the isses first
  3. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Just seen what the new Goliath ship drone pet looks like, not sure that was option B in the votes, just doesn't look right at all
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ likes this.
  4. ZabusXant

    ZabusXant User

  5. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

  6. I see the Season 5 pass is not giving points again already and since I paid for it again kind of annoying won't be paying for anything else in the game after this for a bit
  7. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    nothing is worth beingg cheated
  8. Who writes the missions on the season pass?
    Use 15 permits on a daily season pass?
    Do you have any idea that it pops up every day on my season pass?
    Minimum spending is 30k uri for minimum outcome.

    Balance to regular players is really REALLY broken. Does anyone realize that the cost of the game is now out of control and players who *ACTUALLY* play the game dont bother anymore. We are not spending and we are not playing anymore.

    I spend way more time on another mmo now and I dont think I have been on teamspeak or discord in months.

    This is a direct result of the treatment I get from the game support and management.

    Get better update the economy to reflect the game as it currently sits.

    Pet fuel = cost
    Ammo = cost
    Gate spins = Cost
    Subscription = cost
    Seasons = cost
    Battle pass = cost
    change player bio = cost
    Change company = cost
    Plus ships = cost
    upgrade items = cost
    Buying weapons = cost

    Lets make game items to play the game that is not a wild grab for yet another cost item when we see the 'free runners' allowed to scam for free and fight with help.
  9. Kante.

    Kante. User

    It became ridiculous rip off.
    I buy season Pass for 400 000 Uri, to get weekly missions like use 7 Permit plus, each for another 10 000 Uri to get reward of 1 Permit Plus on day 7 and 17, or 2 at day 27.
    Mission Destroy Krystallon after fulfilling don't give any points and stay marked 1/1 instead of completed.
  10. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Too expensive for real legitimate players, rewards are boring, just more shiny shiny for the Eyes, not any real rewards like the bots get from being first in every event, it's a complete joke.

    Doesn't take a child to work out you'll eventually end up using credit ammo with little to zero uridium!

    House always wins!
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2024
  11. all the targets are set for botters, legit players it.s a joke........
    jayherbo likes this.