Season pass

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by The Red Baron, Feb 8, 2024.

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  1. I was already in contact with support I was just wondering if it was effecting everyone.
  2. Miiro

    Miiro User

  3. savo666gv

    savo666gv User

    they will fix it and we will get free premium for a week as a compensation lol
  4. **silver**

    **silver** User

  5. **silver**

    **silver** User

    anyway is the last time i buy season pass...i buy only things that work,not trash ^^
  6. Kernow69

    Kernow69 User

    Issue still there , only get GGEU mission and when try to re-roll it vanishes leaving no missions for the day.
    Just to add to the fun.. weekly & season missions have use Battle Pass Keys, which you cannot collect o_O

    Here's ID to add to list.. 171960377
  7. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    same here, till the same. one mission on daily's can't spin it away. that dumb Nova thing. it doesn't sound like fun letting a bot play the game for me. so i'll pass on. fix the pass and remove those the nova missions from the pass. no body wants to do them. us server id# 95190032. hopfully thanks in advance.
  8. Still broken and support helpfully didnt even answer my emails.
    I guess they are aware of a major issue again and will just wait til the event is over to address it.
  9. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    This is what I get every day. I can't even reroll them as the reroll doesn't get used up or do anything.


    Other feedback is make all tasks available without paying for the pass. That way people that aren't decided on whether to buy the pass early on don't lose out on rewards if they buy the pass later. Pretty silly system as it currently is and you're losing potential customers. (popular in-game talking point is buy the pass early or don't bother buying it at all).

    No one wants to be forced to buy levels. No one will.
  10. ID: 77859324 Same issue as listed by others, only one daily mission, Use GGEU
  11. same issues and I turned it in to support they said they are working on it :( we will see
  12. aleks733

    aleks733 User

  13. nu-pogodi

    nu-pogodi User

  14. Completing immortal union objectives but not counting on the season pass objectives :( so as well as screwing up the daily and weekly objectives now they've managed to also screw up the season objectives :(
  15. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    to lighten the mood, say that three times fast. lol
  16. tibstar

    tibstar User

  17. savo666gv

    savo666gv User

    disaster, kills every bit of will to play, gonna keep it f2p, not gonna spend a dime

    i spent 400k uridium to get season pass, i expect at least that amount as compensation
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