SECTION RULES: Technical Event Issues

Discussion in 'Technical Event Issues' started by =SERAPH=, Nov 23, 2013.

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  1. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    This section is for reporting potential technical issues or bugs with game events.

    Threads in this section will be treated with a high priority due to the time restrictions on most events.

    * Threads will be responded to by a Moderator to confirm any answers given, unless a "close" request has been issued by the Original Poster (OP). We would ask that players do not post after a Moderator's reply unless they are the OP for that thread - such posts may be treated as spam and acted upon accordingly.

    * Threads may be left open indefinitely until fully addressed to allow time for investigation/testing.

    * Questions which may be more appropriate in another section will be moved to that location.

    * Polls are NOT PERMITTED in this section.

    All other Forum Rules apply as standard.
    Orbit_Reloaded likes this.
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