Seprom as a speed boost.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =ON-FIRE=, Jul 5, 2014.

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  1. =ON-FIRE=

    =ON-FIRE= User

    As everyone knows, the Spearhead is the fastest ship in the fleet. When the Skylab first came online several years back, you could put seprom on your speed side but only until Dark orbit took it away. Why not have a function on the speed bar where you could boost the speed of your ship for like say 8 seconds. But this function would not be applicable to the spearhead or maybe even other ships that are equipped with special capabilities. Cool down time for this would be something like 30 sec. It could be an item like a chip that you could equip your ship with and would draw from the seprom in your lazer upgrade along with 20 Xenomit. I hope this dosent sound too weird. I have certanly seen stranger ideas in this forum.
  2. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    We already have promerium. No need for more speed. Also, Lightning design for Vengy and Travel for citadel gives more speed.
  3. Travel for citadel only works for a none speed config only boost the speed of your ship to the max your ship can go not make a speed config faster
  4. =ON-FIRE=

    =ON-FIRE= User

    I dont know if you read my post accurately or not but it is only a booster for ships not equipped with special abilities. It could be used for defensive or offensive maneuvers.
  5. nope from me
    spear has (almost) only speed
    u want a goli with 35 lf4 lfl16 all with double damage boosters to be able to follow a spear with 150 k hp ?
    no way mate ... total unfair

    lets say it revence way
    what about a spear that will be able with a use of a seprom booster to be able to triple his damage for 5 secs ??:):):):)
  6. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    The irony is that, on the old forums, I wanted to get upgrades for speed gens! :eek::eek:
  7. That would be a permanent afterburner, really? :eek:
  8. OSRS I believe that was the last memory of real fun I had on this game also the first time I realized what kind of company BP/DO was. I felt It was good update I was a wallet warrior at the time so I quickly got my seprom up and running (was only able to load it a couple of times before they nerfed it) Too many people didnt have skylab built up started crying about being ran down and popped or too many people getting away.Have to say I was pretty PO"D when it happened as i had spent real money upgrading Sky Lab for the purpose of having more speed. + 1 from me Besides some people seem to be using it already.
    ĐяJuiceя~ likes this.
  9. =ON-FIRE=

    =ON-FIRE= User

    Well it was an idea for for a limited short burst of speed. Noobs would love it. could also limit its use to three in a 24 hour period.
  10. I don't want to spend a extra sep to speeds. No.
  11. i pay lightning 250k uri. since it is skill design this idea dont work with it.
    250k uri designe have 30% for 5 sec and 6 min CD. you want 40% more speed for goli that last 8 sec and have CD for 30 sec. for what price? 20 xeno?
    that mean my uri skill designe is waste of space no?
    maybe think about this ideas a litle bit more before you post them.
    ROULOUS___HELLAS likes this.
  12. Can't limit a main unsinkable function :rolleyes:
  13. Silviu

    Silviu User

    Rather than running, better stay and fight. It's a no from me.
  14. SauronL

    SauronL User

    It could be just if all ships could use sep on their speed boost
  15. =ON-FIRE=

    =ON-FIRE= User

    For some reason people are thinking that this would only be used as a way of escape. Yes it can. But also a way to keep up with a faster ship for attack.
  16. Na I hate it.
    Make it to where it's for travel/catch up purposes only. Once you attack something (Not you getting attacked) whether it's a player or NPC, it would deactivate and you would have to get out of battle before you can put sep back in it.
  17. Seprom gives a big boost itself so added on speed would make the speed gap with spearhead and goli bigger so no I'm afraid
  18. here is my take on it HELL NO. Its bad enough that you cant catch a vengie on its best speed config unless you have a tactical strategy to pop em. A spearhead is fast too. That major issues lol.
  19. Qwsazxcde1

    Qwsazxcde1 User

    People already run like theres no tomorrow, do not need more speed.
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