Seprom More Efficient

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by †→Zєηη←†, Feb 14, 2014.

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  1. So most of us the ultra elite players or players that like to battle everyday need to have seprom.
    Well the idea is simple make seprom more efficient that instead of giving us 10 refined shots, it gives us 100 refined shots or 50. I dont know it would make battles more intense and so we can battle everyday and not have to be waiting until the next day to have some seprom -.- is a waste of time.
    thank you

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Like we need more Ufe's running around with constant sepped lasers and all those boosters and Lf4's and junk, no from me, you can easily wait a few days and stack a quarter of a million sep lasers which should last awhile for some good hunting.
    plaku likes this.
  3. lol 9k sep doesnt last three hours for me... i constantly kill everyday... and come on newbies would also have enough seprom to shoot hard and kill faster npc's
  4. I agree. It puts 10 rockets on for 1 sep but lasers go way way faster, so it should put 100 on for lasers. Boohoo for ufes running around with sep cause guess what? They already are. This is for our benefit and I like:D

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Who does it benefit when the maps are even more packed with Ufe's that are ready to slaughter? How does this help noobs when I doubt half of them have a decent skylab to send and produce seprom like Fe's and Ufe's do? If you stay offline for a few days you can easily stockpile hundreds of thousands of sepped lasers.
  6. Actually, my skylab makes 4.5k seprom per day(189/hr.), so I'd have to be off for 2 and a half days just to get 100k sep. And are the maps not already full of sepped ufes?? This idea helps everyone including them. No issue there because it's not just for them.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    I suppose this idea wouldn't be all bad, and not all Ufe's are sepped 24-7, some don't want to wait for skylab or others use promerium since then like to go from hunting aliens to gates to slaughtering players and repeat. I guess this idea wouldn't be terrible so +1, I think your doing something incorrect or can't login enough to stack your sepped lasers because I can stack 60k+ sep a day if I don't go hunting or alien farming, it would probably take me no longer then 2 days to have close to 200k sep lasers.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2014
  8. 960k sep a your skylab broken?o_O Mine is level 20 and I make 189 sep per hour= slightly over 4,500 seprom a day. I can use 200k sep a day, so I often run out and that is why I like this idea.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    My apologies for the typo. When I usually start stacking sep my skylab will be full at 9000, I send 3200 at a time if I'm in my Goliath, i can send sep 2 to 3 times a day, while I'm sending, the skylab replenishs itself and usually doesn't run low for a few days so I can stack 200k+ sep before I have to stop sending it for a short while. I have the feeling that your premium and can send sep in half the time meaning you drain your skylab quicker but that's a guess.
  10. Yes, I drain my skylab of everything about every two weeks. Sending 8.3k promerium twice a day and only getting 4k of it(per day) back means I run out quickly, but idc, I get 20mil credits a day. Back to the idea, still like it :D
  11. well guys is not a bad idea just think about it everyone benefits from it . lol
  12. on my server most of ufe's have 100 mil seprom on lasers from bug exploit.
    yeah would be nice to have more seprom from skylab since most of them already have it and suport is not going to take it from them.
    +1 from me.
  13. Why not simply increase the amount of seprom your skylab can hold?

    Because lets not all forgot how mnay days it took us to get enough seprom for our newly bought Pilot Bio.

    I know for me, i have 48 PP, I reset it once and it took me over 2 weeks to get my bio back.
    Uneek-2 likes this.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Increase what the skylab can hold to perhaps 15-20k. That seems good to me :).
    Uneek-2 and Unstoppable like this.
  15. VESPID

    VESPID User

    What a disgusting sight.
    Give more damage dealing resources to the ones that need it the least just for a few to have slightly more for themselves.

    I say No!!!
    And I am not surprised with the backers of this idea.
  16. plaku

    plaku User

    To be honest I dont like it, of course all of us will benifit but its not nice because the ufe dont have to improve anything they just have to hunt . while we be a constant mark.
    And i like it when sometime i have sep and ufe dont means i still have a chance making it more random, if sep laser are increased means we will have permanent max damage on game which is not cool.
    All i have to say is manage your sep in a better way. or hunt with prom when that is finished
  17. Most people will have permanent sep. However, there are those that play a lot and burn lasers like crazy such as Zenn. We want the ability to continue to play and have fun so we ask for more seprom on lasers. It makes a lot of sense to get more for your lasers than for your rockets anyway. This should also encourage people to play for longer, because they have more sepped lasers to blow.
  18. lol ur calling me crazy? xD
    now to the topic

    well i see yall points but still if u have enough seprom u can also get protected by the ufes from ur company.. but your situation right now could be the following:
    lest say you are out there with 9k seprom and ur a normal player not ufe but lets say 8 iris and 3 or three lf4s, plus what ever makes a fe. Now your killing cubes with 2 or three ufe's from ur company, and a ufe from another company appears. everyone starts shooting with x4, but guess what... you are the only one shooting with seprom around 30-35k and u are the weaker from all of the players that are killing cubes, the ufes from ur company shoot 30-35 with x4 and they have more shield than you so they can choose to escape or fight, lets say they fight, the ufe from the other company chooses to kill you... the ufes cant save u because they wasted all their seprom in war battles pvp or what ever other reason even gg's. so you die against the ufe that shoots 60-65k and has a shield of 300k for the light config now the heavy can have 700k-800k shooting around the same... you are totally lost, the ufes from ur company cant handle the situation, because they dont have seprom, so guess what they decide to go make some gg's until the ufe from the company gets bored from killing you and all the newbies around the map... conclusion? if those ufes where to have seprom you wouldve got saved, the map wouldve been cleaned, and the ufe gone.

    What makes me think that there is always gonna be an enemy ufe in your map? well theres around 500 ufe or more per company u have 7 days a week, at least one or two are gonna be in ur map double boosted ready to kill you, and its obvious that the ufes from ur company are not gonna be double boosted cuz they are killing aliens!...
    so yeah more seprom wont always ruin your life in this game, could also saved you.

    an ufe with seprom x4 and not double boosted can shoot 40-45 or even 50 with less shields. note: no ufe is around with no shields unless he is too stupid!

    and this is an everyday situation few ufes from ur company will quit their hunt on an enemy map to come and rescue their map, they dont care unless they are being affected by it. ;)
  19. No, just learn to manage your sep in a better way, so you can get more use outa' it...It's possible. :)
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2014
    plaku likes this.
  20. They should make this instead:

    use up 1 seprom/promerium/prometid no matter the amount of laser cannons you carry per shot instead.