Seriously Banned for this?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by †→Zєηη←†, Jan 22, 2014.

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  1. I was banned by an admin for 2 days just for telling my friend my youtube channel...... and just the name of it not even a link.... see for yourself


    This is unacceptable, can they ban you for this??? I mean what is wrong with trying to socialize with your friends??....
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 22, 2014

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Maybe that admin doesn't like you, maybe you said something earlier that you didn't realize was bann-able, I'm just guessing because I can't read what you typed lol.
  3. Lol nah, they banned me for it too, all we did was talk about youtube, and we received a 2 day ban, I got banned from forums for a day cause I had my youtube channel linked in my sig, DO is changing rules and not telling us about them.
  4. bobmyself

    bobmyself User

    That is what category the ban you received falls under.

    You are also breaking chat language rules.
    "This is an English-only chat. That includes whispers."
    Sound familiar? That message is often posted by the mods on our server.

    Being honest, some of the rules are rarely enforced as most mods just turn a blind eye. I haven't seen a mod direct any newbie asking for a clan in Global to Clan Search for a very long time - but I suppose that is good judgement on their behalf. Others can come down to minor technicalities and depend on how lenient a mod is.

    Take a look through the Chat Rules. If you're still think you were wrongfully banned then you can post in the Chat Section but I would simply wait out a 48 hour ban to avoid the hassle.
  5. Juturna

    Juturna User

    If you would like to query this properly to understand your ban, please post on the chat board:

    Please add your User ID.

    I did consider deleting everyone else comments, and moving the thread - but some of the advise and information offered here is sound and is worth taking on board.

    Closing as nothing further to add in this section.

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