
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Titi, Jun 16, 2014.

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  1. Titi

    Titi User

    Hello all

    i have an idea i think my country should to have a server. I am from kosova but in this country have many players that play darkorbit but they play in several servers i think is good idea if u make a new server just for kosovans if u need i will help you to translate all the game in my langauge , you will see have many many players from kosova.
  2. Even though there may seem a-lot of players, from your country, playing Dark Orbit, that doesn't mean they should create another serve. We've already got more than enough servers (at the moment), and if they were to create a new one, that would just decrease the surplus population, in other servers, more than they already are.
  3. Titi

    Titi User

    yes but in our country have many players that play darkorbit and we want to have only an server in our langauge , example turkey have 3 servers while we need just one and i think if this server will create then people in my country will start playing more and this server will increase new players in darkorbit.
  4. Titi, Czech Republic (which I'm from) is a small country, but has 3 servers, like Turkey. And other countries, like yours or Slovakia, don't have any, and they have to play in other server. Personaly, I don't understand why, I think one (or 2) servers for each country would be enough. By the way, if you want to play Darkorbit in your mother language, you can simply change it in account settings.
  5. Titi

    Titi User

    colex but my country doesnt exist in account settings for this reason i opened this topic cause in my country have many players. I am waiting for a answer from any administrator i will help them to translate whatever they want just to do a server and a website in my langauge;)
  6. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    We don't need the already limited number of players to switch to a brand new server in order to get on the Top Leader Boards.
  7. Titi

    Titi User

    cooljak my country need it cause they cannot speak english language all of them so they need their language and server. if is not possible server , we need a website in our langauge like other countries i will help admins to translate it ;) i am waiting for an answer from admins
  8. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    You could always create a private room called "Kosova" and anyone from your country could join it and talk to each other.
  9. Titi

    Titi User

    u dont know what i mean i am thinking to make an website of darkorbit in my language all options to be in our langauge like other countries ;)
  10. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    it's a good suggestion. but because there's so many servers already, it would be better to compensate by merging two other servers together.
  11. Titi

    Titi User

    thanks seraphim i think darkorbit need to create a server in kosovan langauge cause really have many players i will help them too while do you know guys when i will get an answer from admins ?
  12. *BUGdude*

    *BUGdude* User

    good idea titi u have right in kosovo have many players
  13. Titi

    Titi User

    thanks bugdude now i am waiting just for opinion of admins
  14. Titi

    Titi User

    anything new ?
  15. Hmm I could see where your coming from but countries with multiple servers have them to handle extra player loads not just to have them. A lot of European countries dont have there own server because they are geographically small so ti would be easier sticking them in the nearest larger country, plus a lot of other reasons why.
  16. Kosova isn't a widely recognized country, hell countries that are recognized don't have they're own servers (most of the time). Changing the language for players from Kosova might work but new servers in general won't. (I hope I'm up to date on my history and such lol)
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2014
  17. Titi

    Titi User

    adam i said if isnt possible a server we should have an website in our language cause u dont belive that in kosova have many players
  18. You sound like you want a whole new server which I'm against just because there's to many damn servers as it is, the language part is fine.
  19. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    How about instead of making a new server, why can't Kosova be a language in the game?
  20. No because no server allows multi language really other than global America, because it confuses admins I am not really geographically set so this is the first time i have ever heard of this country no offense, So i doupt there are many admin that know it as a second language, then you'd have to have admins with that as a man language, support in that language, like i said before shit ton of stuff just to add another server in anther language.
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