Ship Configuration Memory (for premium?)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by veritas, Jan 19, 2014.

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  1. veritas

    veritas User

    I'd like to have the option to use one ship a couple of different ways, that requires moving guns and shields etc. It'd be great to have an option in the hangar/backpage to save one or two specific setups for one single ship, so it doesn't take five minutes of re-equipping the configuration (the interface is a bit slow/laborious, frankly), then the same to switch it back.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Good idea, there's been a want for this and it would encourage players to buy premium but wouldn't overpower anyone or damage the game further then it already is, I hope you read this Vespid, think of idea's that there is a want for.
  3. We all have wanted a way to reequip our ships faster. Switching out different ships takes forever. The thing is, they want you to buy enough equipment for all of the hangars you have. Phooey on that. I approve of this idea.