[UI] Ship Design Cosmetic

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by johnblue92, Jun 24, 2020.

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  1. johnblue92

    johnblue92 User

    I noticed this Ocean Venom cockpit window is in Blue color in 3D mode.

    It should be in Grey color which looks better IMHO.

    I know this is just some cosmetic issue but...
    I learnt "Heat-seeking Missiles" just for the Visuals
    Can DarkOrbit team fix this please :rolleyes:
    KilerStreak likes this.
  2. johnblue92

    johnblue92 User

    Hi all, I notice this on Venom: Blaze & Borealis too, but I dont have those design.
    Feel free to share your screenshot in 3D mode please.
  3. memrix

    memrix User

    to each his own i suppose, but how much did you have to zoom in to actually notice the cockpit of a ship? there are more pressing issues to deal with tbh