Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by AVIT, Apr 18, 2023.

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  1. AVIT

    AVIT User

    IS about time there was a full updated list of all ship modules available ,,if and when the devs/team create modules they should be shown whaT IS AVAILABLE to players and seem as its all about gambling chance there odds too .

    its highly unfair to players getting new ships and then not knowing what modules are available and what they could contain ! ... we want to know every possible % of particular modules that has been made for transparency fairness in this game .

    All this should be clearly published to everyone clearly to be seen and a permanent thread update .
    readers you may or not believe this but they have not published anything about this since 2019 !! except for bits scattered about that are now lost ..
    its not good enough is it ..


    About time you published all on one thread and add to it everytime you make new ones

    Ban the bot permanently ,, we all know you can do that too .just wake up or this game will sadly die and be known as the game of no one wants to play anymore .
  2. Excessive

    Excessive User

    The chance to get a decent module for a preferred ship are pretty clear. Unknown, Very Low, Slight, Not Gonna happen..
    1 in 74 chance for a ship you use.
    Small to Unknown chance for decent attributes

    The whole thing is RNG (gambling) based. Even the XT-10's aren't specific as they used to be, they now have the same 1 in 74 gamble as other upgrade modules.
    Wasting 20 battlepass keys to get 12% rocket hitchance, -3% speed for Holo, Spearhead, Nostromo is way too common and should not happen.

    HP-ZPVP02HPMin 5-10%, small chance of 25-32%Defcom, Liberator, Piranha, Nostromo, Vengeance, Bigboy, Goliath, Citadel, Aegis, Spearhead, V-Adept, V-Corsair, V-Lightning, G-Enforcer, V-Revenge, G-Bastion, V-Avenger, G-Veteran, G-Exalted, Solace, Diminisher, Spectrum, Sentinel, Venom, G-Ignite, G-Kick, G-Referee, G-Goal, Pusat, G-Surgeon, G-Saturn, G-Centaur, BB-Solemn, S-Veteran, A-Veteran, C-Veteran, S-Elite, A-Elite, C-Elite, G-Vanquisher, G-Sovereign, G-Peacemaker, N-Diplomat, N-Envoy, N-Ambassador, G-Champion, Tartarus, Mimesis, Goliath-X, Yamato Ronin, Defcom Raven, Cyborg, Hammerclaw, Centurion, Hecate, Disruptor, Berserker, Zephyr, Solaris, Keres, Retiarus, Orcus, Holo, Goliath Plus, Citadel Plus, Liberator Plus, Solace Plus, Solaris Plus, Pusat Plus, Hecate Plus, Hammerclaw Plus, Spearhead Plus, Tempest, Tartarus Plus