Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 20, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User


    Doesn't matter where you are in space, now you can change your ship with all-new warp technology

    Have you ever been stuck somewhere in deep space when some pilot friends called for help? Probably not much of a problem if you're flying around in your strongest ship. But what if you left her in the hangar?

    The days of making the long, arduous flight back to home base to switch to a stronger ship are a thing of the past.

    Switch ships no matter where you are thanks to the brand new warp technology​
    • Click the ship warp symbol in the upper right corner of the map
    • Select the new ship and commence warping
    • The ships will be swapped out immediately and you can continue on immediately
    Attention: The warp will be aborted if you come under attack!

    Need more speed or stronger weapons? Simply select a ship from your hangar and it will be teleported to you immediately. Your old ship will be sent back to the hangar.

    Warps function with jump credits, so make sure you have plenty on hand. If you do not have enough jump credits, you may also use Uridium.

    Check out the shop for some great packs!

    Warp speed throughout the galaxy!

    Your DarkOrbit Team

    Function details & How to (see below)

    To warp your ship, you first need to have 2 hangars (or more) with a ship assigned to them (preferably well-equipped, if you do not want to find yourself in trouble).

    If you want to switch ships, just press the new icon located in your User Icons to start the warping procedure:


    A new window will open with the ships you have available to warp to:


    You need to select the ship of your choice (in this example, only a Veteran Goliath is available), and then press the green button 'Commence Warp'.

    Note: The warping procedure will cost you 1 Jump credit, or a small Uridium fee if you do not have any.


    Once pressed, the 10 second countdown begins.

    Note: If you move your ship or you are attacked during the countdown, it will stop, and the warping procedure will be cancelled.


    When the countdown finishes, your original ship will enter a space time continuum vortex, and then return as the ship you switched to.


    Once completed, your new ship is ready for action, and placed exactly where you were before starting the warping procedure!



    Q: What does Ship Warping do?
    A: Ship Warping allows players to change their selected ship while on the space map. If you click on the new icon in the top right side of the client a pop-up appears with available ships, showing you the ships you can switch around.

    Q: Can this be used while being cloaked?
    A: Yes, like the Advanced Jump CPU. If you have switched the cloak will break though.

    Q: Do you move to the other ships location?
    A: Nope, you stay where you are and the ship is sent to you. You current ship then has its location set to your current map and location in case you switch ships through the website.

    Q: Is the countdown visible to other players?
    A: No, only the player switching sees the countdown but a graphical effect is visible to other players.

    Q: With graphical effect you mean the animation after the cooldown expired?
    A: There is a small graphical effect at the end of the warping process.

    Q: What happens if I get attacked while warping?
    A: If you get attacked during the 10second cooldown the cooldown stops and the cost needed for the warp isn’t paid.

    Q: Does the price change when I am Premium?

    A: No, the price is a constant 200 Uridium or a Jump Credit. It also doesn’t change depending on how far away the other ship is.
    Yes, 190.

    Q: Can I cancel the warp process?
    A: Yes, moving during the countdown cancels the warp process.

    Q: How much does the ship warp cost?
    A: It costs 1 Jump Credit or 200 Uridium to ship warp. If you have Jump credits these will be used first.

    Q: Do I lose my payment when the ship warp is cancelled?
    A: No, the payment is only deducted when a ship warp completes

    Thank you to TheWhiteHat for the creation of this thread

    Last edited by moderator: Jul 1, 2017
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