site freezes up

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by souleater1, May 31, 2014.

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  1. souleater1

    souleater1 User

    don't know what's going but it's been going on all day in US3 PVP zones go white
    with a Exclamation point in the middle of screen. a lot of lag in 1-6 in a certain
    area of the map move away from that area it stops. other maps also freezing
    causing a log out and log back in, as long as this game has been around these
    issues should have already been taken care of but I keep seeing it come up time
    and time again in forum with out being taken care of.
  2. Silviu

    Silviu User

    Could you post a screenshot of your problem? If server restart hasn't fixed it yet.
    ~~Dark~Star~~ likes this.

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you for assisting this player with their issue.

    That white page is usually a flash player issue. have you cleared your flash storage data recently.

    Could you please give this a try:

    Log out of the game... go to
    your browser and clear the history (I know you have done this before) - Please humor me!

    Then go to the flash player - here is a link>
    (This is an actual web page - not just an image)

    delete All the websites in the Website Storage setting Panel.

    Then re-log in to the Game, Hopefully this will resolve your issue.

    Please have a nice day and enjoy your game.