Skill designs: Which one is the best for PvE

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ··¤(`×[¤∂ιgι¤]×´)¤··, Oct 6, 2014.

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  1. What is the best skill design if you're focusing on exclusively killing aliens including gg's?
  2. Veteran / Exalted
  3. lol SKILLED design he said lol..

    for killing aliens??
    mmmm Venom? or Diminisher. Those are for attackng.
    Solace would be to get hp.
    Solace if you're newbie
    Venom or Diminisher if you have some LF4's
  4. Spectrum would be best since you can use the ability to be safe if you are lagging
  5. I would say Diminisher if your atleast FE, or spectrum for the safety aspect.
  6. Zyher-SuB

    Zyher-SuB User

    venom to tale out those high hp abd shield npc like devouror. saves lots of time.
  7. .-Raijin-.

    .-Raijin-. User

    I have move this thread to a more appropriate section for comment by our wonder players.

    Best regards,
  8. reboog21

    reboog21 User

    for npc I believe the Aegis elite is best, with enough shields and lf-4's you can solo cubes with credit ammo, I use Ageis Eelite in normal npc bashing for the %5 damage boost, and Ageis Vetran in gates for the honor boost
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
  9. ramnik

    ramnik User

    he asked skill designs^^ Id say diminsher as it good for both pvp and pve lets you get through shields quickly but with venom you could venom bks if your doing nothing or if in pirate maps venom players :p
  10. reboog21

    reboog21 User

    ^^ stands by my Aegis answer, as designs are purchased in same shop area, and ship abilities are opened by the same icon in the quick slot bar. The Aegis and her designs are better for alien bashing than any of the Goliath designs. The short cool down times for Aegis is the key to this , it enables one to use the abilities several times when shooting the same alien, were the Goliath abilities can only be activated several times per hour.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2014
  11. ramnik

    ramnik User

    BUt he asked for skill designs not ship... not that you would understand i guess
  12. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    You mean to say One could use it's abilities on himself while killing aliens. You must be good if you can kill aliens solo while repping their HP and shields.
  13. reboog21

    reboog21 User

    No need for insults . While the grammar may not be perfect, the concept the of Aegis designs being a skill design should be fairly simple to grasp. The abilities of the Aegis in the nomenclature of Dark Orbit are called skills. You will find wording "Aegis skills" in the available offer of class designs on the uridium page.
    Designs and skills are the operative words in the ops question so my argument for the Aegis designs in my answer to the op is quite valid. I do not believe the question was restricted to the Goliath specialty designs.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2014
  14. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Any design that has an active ability is a skill design. That is why the 100k Goli and Vengy designs aren't considered "skill" designs. The veteran design is a skill design because it gives a passive boost along with the main ship's active ability. The elite designs alter the cooldown/duration of the main ship's abilities, so it is also considered a skill design.