Skylab malfunction?

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by TheDutchAvenger, Sep 25, 2024.

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  1. Every time I try to send ore to my ship, I get a 404 error. Can anyone help? (Yes, I cleared my cache and no, it did not help).
  2. M3T30RIT

    M3T30RIT User

    When you login into the game and you're being asked to accept Cookies & stuff you have to click yes. I don't remember whether it was Cookies or Terms & Conditions or whatever but it basically pops up either at the login screen or when it transfers you to the backpage after the login.
  3. That never happened before and I have not had to click to accept cookies the time I logged in before the malfunction
  4. _Mr_Black_

    _Mr_Black_ User

    How did you resolve this issuee because I am getting it now and it is realy annoying
  5. did you clear game cache on log in left page settings clear game cache?
  6. Yes.

    I sent an email. That did resolve the problem (after a week or two)
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 16, 2024
  7. Great news for you...
  8. And this phenomenom: Skylab page open when sending is done itself like pop up ads. And it happens, anywhere. Now a few times skylab page open in the middle of the battle in norm map, and gg map, and need to close pretty quick. Creatures and human players do not give many seconds of mercy. Fix It. That doesn't belong in this game environment.
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ likes this.
  9. I had this open in Epsilon Gate...quite annoying
  10. gb44

    gb44 User

    I did it all no result all thingworks ok but not the mine is closing down all and tell you that the server
    is empty with my hehe 24-12-15 is to day ich ich !
  11. Vizoro

    Vizoro User

    Nothing helps !!!

    Please, i am over a month without resources, what use of premium and other benefits, if basic things in game not work so long ??
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  12. Dragonxs

    Dragonxs User

    I'm getting this error 404 on my Skylab I tried deleting cache still no good
    keywy likes this.
  13. I'm getting this error 404 on my Skylab too... :(
  14. Try this, log in dark orbit via browser like chrome it work for me, firefox did not work either opera, like i have been adviced to use, but chrome was ok to me, some get firefox or other to work
  15. since more than 2 month cant open skylab :(
  16. _Mr_Black_

    _Mr_Black_ User

    I also have skylab malfunction, same on browser unfortunatley
  17. Have you tried with different browsers,
    some work with Firefox and others with chrome or opera. As silly as it sounds but that's just the way it is, don't ask why.
  18. _Mr_Black_

    _Mr_Black_ User

    No I haven't tried and I really don't want to untill they actually fix this issue. Anyways thanks for the response

    I ve tried what you said and it did not work lol
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 26, 2025