Skylab resources not maxing out

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by Explosivo55, Aug 13, 2024.

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  1. how come my skylab resources aren't building back upto max like the promerium does when i take from it, my seprom is on lvl17 and won't have enough red, blue, yellow to get to lvl20 if it doesn't build back up from the last upgrade of the seprom refinery i did

    also the pink and green are doing the same, they increase by a few not very often
  2. **Scarab**

    **Scarab** User

    they havnt been working for 2 weeks m8, support dont give a monkeys, clan funds transfer doesnt work either . GREAT JOB DO
  3. shut off right side unti left is maxed out then you can build it to a higher lvl
    Explosivo55 likes this.
  4. yes that's got it going again. Thank You