
Discussion in 'General Issues' started by Star*Fire, Nov 8, 2023.

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  1. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    Everytime i try and open my skylab tab it logs me out.
  2. Nothing changed bugs all over this game again just try changing your title or even go to your skill tree nothing loads there either!!!
  3. Balance page logs you out as well
  4. Clan page and pilot page logs you out also.
  5. got logged out in a kappa gate cheers for that
  6. Yes, the error shows:
    This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.
    HTTP ERROR 500

    No amount of cache clearing or other tasks works around this. It requires a reload and login.
    The same for the global pve, GB2, US east, GA, GA2, GA3

  7. Great, just great. You can´t note that bots are around, you get logged out when you want to go to your skylab, can´t go to pilot sheet. And do not think that someone from Dark Orbit will mention this to you when you log in...