Some ideas

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Bismarck[US2], Sep 11, 2023.

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  1. I think a lot of us have noticed by now that lag seems to spike during major events and minor events, so I thought up some ideas on how to help either reduce it or limit it.

    -- First off, the removal of double gate reward day. Tons of bots flock to Alpha/Beta/Gamma and Hades on double day because these gates can run uri/x4 positive if you're powerful enough. In its place, just make the doubled amount the standard amount and people will do gates throughout the week like we used to instead of stockpiling all the gates until Sunday. This will also help decrease server memory usage for having static gates sitting on the game screen.

    -- Secondly, with NPC events that spawn several mini versions of the npc (Hitac, Agatus, Protegit Pandemonium, etc), restrict these maps to the pvp maps. This maintains the pvp aspect of the events and gives purpose back to the pvp maps. In the old days we used to have to check company chat to make sure the map was safe to enter and now we can just bypass the map entirely with jump cpus

    -- Alongside the NPC events, there should be limited ceilings for NPC counts on any given map. Once a map reaches a critical NPC load point, all players should be teleported back to the closest home map. We all know that bots love to kill the strokelight in x-bl but *never* shoot the Abide or Steadfast because they aren't worth the hassle. For example, if 1-BL gets too overloaded, all players would be moved back to their respective X-8 map, similar to how gates automatically send you home at completion, and the NPC's would be reduced. Non-critical npc's would be removed until a natural respawn and critical npc's (ones that a certain map is known for) would be retained.

    -- Two resets, not just one. The daily reset occurs pretty early in the morning and the game works great for a few hours afterwards. Until the lag situation is under control, a second reset should be initiated in the afternoon, possibly 3rd and 4th resets occurring every 6 hours to ensure the game runs smoothly as much as possible. We should also have a weekly reset that handles everything on that day. For example, Thursday. All players would be removed, all subscriptions renewed on that day, any compensation packages to be issued, everything would happen at weekly reset so everyone knows when to expect changes.

    -- 4-5 map. We all know it's the Uber Map, but jesus this map is immense and clearly takes up more resources than any other map in the game. Remove it and send the NPC's to their respective maps. Move the portals to access the 5-X maps into each company's respective 4-X map. Again, it gives the pvp maps more relevance and players on the lower side of the company can have easier access to reach the maps.

    There's plenty of other things that can be done, but from a player standpoint, I feel like these changes not only would benefit a lot of people, but would also mitigate lag and help the game run more smoothly. And whichever devs are reading this, please stop being so persistent with this ancient code that clearly isn't up to standards anymore. Get the game stabilized and start coding the game in something like Unity. Old content can be removed or revamped, not everything needs to be ported over.
    Krystrale and EmperorOfTheOrbit like this.
  2. mxmumefort

    mxmumefort User

    or we could say that DO doesnt give a crap as long as zombies are running
  3. It's clear they don't, and the funny part is that it's too late to do anything. Roughly 70% of the player base uses bots and if they banned every single one today that ever had any hint of botting, there wouldn't be enough people on each server to justify paying for that many servers, and we'd undergo a server merge *again* and this would continue until there's only one server left. And good luck getting anything done when you have 30,000-50,000 people on one server.

    At this point, it's just be glad they're around. Gives us a reason to even have a server in the first place.