Someone from GB2 has taken my name on the forum

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by [PΛЯΛĐΘX]™, Dec 11, 2013.

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    First it started off with a pointless thread but now I am seeing the name on other threads alike. It's getting rather annoying, if someone can do their job and do something about this I would much appreciate. I can provide my IP address as well as details that I am the real Paradox.
  2. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Hi [PΛЯΛĐΘX]™, the link does not work it returns the following message:-

    "Darkorbit - Error
    This member limits who may view their full profile."
  3. that is the main link to his profile but it seems like the person has blocked players from viewing.
  4. Geo-a-leo

    Geo-a-leo User

    Not spam just pointing out that crying over someone taking a name is useless unless you copyrighted it.

    And anyway didn't the text when signing up to these forums say the names can not be changed.

    If the names are changeable you could use the conversion function on her and ask him to change it.

    And no just putting the TM beside you name is not trademarking it. It has to be done legally.
  5. Don't you think I know this?

    It's something that has been on going and it's becoming more of an issue daily. I have personally trademarked my name from the very beginning of my registered account, if it was you, then you might understand. I know it's someone from DA of GB2 and they constantly harass players as well as most of them being stage 1. Most of them are extremely childish and arrogant.

    Also I have noticed this imposter is liking most the threads from DA, something I wouldn't do, let alone converse with any of them. As I did the other day I provided a print screen of my profile page, showing that I was in fact the real user of that name, so why is this still going on? I am starting to prefer the old forums because something like this didn't happen or it just wasn't allowed.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  6. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    When you first log into the forum you have a one time only chance to change you forum nam,e so it is different to you game log in name, after that point it is not possible to change you forum name.
  7. This person has deliberately taken my name just to be spiteful and nasty.
  8. Geo-a-leo

    Geo-a-leo User

    Well looks like you are all out of luck [PΛЯΛĐΘX]™. The name can't be changed. So he has your name and you have the name [PΛЯΛĐΘX]™.

    Big deal.
  9. Its actually not permitted to impose as another user, as if that user goes against TOS and he gets banned, mods may also ban PARADOX as they will think it is the same player with a new account just trying to get around the ban.

    If your going to post useless garbage on a thread be sure you know the facts of the situation.
    Lucidity likes this.
  10. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello [PΛЯΛĐΘX]™

    For something of this nature, please pass your concerns on to Support directly, and they can act accordingly against that user. We do not have the facility to deal with this on any long-term basis.
    There is a link in my signature for convenience.

    Contact Support
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