Something geared toward high level players

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by HCN!, Dec 18, 2013.

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  1. HCN!

    HCN! User

    I've played this game on and off for about 4 years. I see that many of the older players (those that still play and haven't left for extended periods of time) that have achieved level 19 and up are just completely bored with the game now. I had an idea that really stood out to me and that is to create a place that only those of level 19 or higher can access. This place could have a variety of things to do in it, such as:
    A 1v1 battle arena where 1 player invites another to fight with no interruption from other players or aliens.
    A place devoted to those who like to compete against others for bragging rights and the fun of it. Like: Poker, Texas hold em, 21, slot machines, darts, shooting gallery, etc. With no pay outs and having only scores, the gambling aspect could be avoided. We all know that some states cannot participate in many forms of that type of gaming because of the gambling restrictions.
    Devote a place for players to test their ammo and weaponry that will record the data so he/she can see how hard they hit instead of having to rely on someone in- game to give the player the results after they attack them.
    Maybe have a devoted place for socializing that does not require the players to log on to the game play page. If the player leaves to go play the actual game, they must log in to the play page to get back in to the social place. This would save burning off boosters for many players who just pop in from time to time to chat. This has been mentioned before from another player a while back in a way. His idea was to place chat on the back page. I don't know how others feels about that idea, but I liked it. Like it, dislike it, agree with it or not. All input could make or break this concept. :)
    HemorrhagicFever likes this.
  2. I like the idea of having something to work towards, and i especially like the idea of a target that you hit in order to see how hard you hit.

    Not too bothered about the chat idea although it is a good one, my server is mostly kids and trolls.

    There is a LOT more that this game platform is capable of....

    We need some randomness, like cubes popping up on random maps, lower or higher and talking of cubes we need super cubes, too many wars are started over not enough cubes being available because they are all spawning.

    But alas, there seems to be a lack of developers coming to us and asking what we want, it is suprising how many upgrades for our accounts there are now in ratio to how the actual gameplay has changed, they need to look at this. Palla poppers keep me going in this game, not the efforts of the developers.
    HemorrhagicFever likes this.
  3. I like some of these ideas, but not just for level 19 and up players. The target that records damage would benefit all players. Most level 19's and up already know that they hit super hard, as do those of us who get attacked by them.
    I like the chat on the back page idea as well. I don't like being required to log in on the play page just to talk to people, but I don't think that another chat space is such a good idea because we have the option to create rooms for private chats. If we don't use that, we could lose it.
    Head to head gaming one on one sounds good too, but that would depend on what is available. Casino style online gaming keeps me out of the real ones. That is what I do when I get bored with DO, so I think it would be entertaining enough to hang out here instead of going to other sites.
  4. ANYTHING new to the gameplay side would be GREAT....and since I'm level 20 I like the idea of it being a high level place:cool:...TBH your comment about the crazy disproportion between power, item, ship updates...VS...any real game content updates made me think ...We have millions of uri worth of options ( MOST being new) with NO change in rewards... OR harder aliens with better rewards...SOMETHINGS got to give here -_- .

    UID 65843281
  5. I do agree there should be new maps for players level 19 and up, I remember having to reach a certain level just to do bks and go to uppers base but since all maps are open for me now there is not a lot of options.