''Special Activities on Turkish Servers''

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by (BOSS)Adam[FFK], Apr 28, 2015.

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  1. ''The only feature exclusively available on the TR servers compared to the rest of the world is (and will be) the Hezarfen Ship design – which essentially has been skinned with the Turkish national flag. Everything else so far has been offered to all other players as well.''

    Haven't the Turkish servers been getting exclusive events and giveaways that put our repeat events to shame?

    ''The so-called “One Turkish Lira Sale” has been revised and been turned into the “Super Boosters”, the “Pusat” design will be made available to everyone else soon and even the map we have created for the “Turkish Tournament” will be available to everyone once we have gathered first experience with it and tweaked it.''

    The deal on boosters got a name change, now if only other servers could get the deal. Please keep that design on the Turkish servers, it sounds like a nightmare and should be the only thing that remains exclusive lol.

    ''So naturally we want to gather some experience how to run tournaments best, what to look out for and how much effort it actually takes.''

    Isn't there test servers for things like this?

    ''Once this is achieved we can share that information across all communities and invite everyone to organize and run their own tournaments.''

    That's great and all but I'm not holding my breathe, why can't we get the information at the same time as the TR servers?

    ''Until then, we can assure you that the DarkOrbit team is NOT favoring one community over another (please remember that on the US servers only, you have access to the “Independent” design) but we are indeed running sales on these servers first to see how they perform, if and how we have to tweak them and learn something before we screw up royally in the rest of the world.''

    One difference between the Independent and the Hezarfen is that the latter gives a 5% damage boost and 10% honor boost while the Independent gives no boosts. Why are the TR servers guinea pigs for the best events and sales while everyone else gets the same old stuff and is waiting for exclusive things to no longer be that? It must be nice being guinea pigs for something good.

    ''On the topic of special designs: When we have rolled out the “graphical update”, from a technical point of view it should be much easier to add different ship skins for different languages/servers, so we are already looking into this.''


    ''Let me repeat: With all that is happening on the TR servers, it may at first look like we are favoring them but essentially we’re trying out things in the Live environment there and gather data that will help us in implementing these changes on other instances.''

    There are test servers for just that which also have the benefit of letting everyone test something out at the same time.

    ''If you have any more questions, please let us know.''

    When are some of the problems I listed going to change for the better?

    Sources for my delusional claims and assertions:


    Good day.
  2. The main problem I have is they can skip the whole favoritism debate if they deployed these events and ships on the internationally available test server.

    Also the Pusat is a paid design so you can't claim that it's being tested in Turkish servers - meaning yes, you are favouring the Turkish servers by keeping the design exclusive to that demographic for so long.
  3. "Until then, we can assure you that the DarkOrbit team is NOT favoring one community over another (please remember that on the US servers only, you have access to the “Independent” design)".

    lol I love their response I mean we got the design but it does nothing :p
  4. On a side note; has anyone from the GB servers ever wanted to have the Independance design? No. But I bet you've wanted the Hezarfen design.
  5. that design is not just a flag design. I have it on TR1 and it gives you 5% damage and 10% honor. I would like to have that on my ship on west server...with or without the flag
  6. `Luke

    `Luke User

    I agree, 5% damage and 10% more honor would be a favorite ship for gates, but no, everyone else is stuck doing gates with design that only gives 10% honor for rank or 5% damage to finish the gate faster. Not both.
  7. Thats exactly my point :D
  8. Silviu

    Silviu User

    Indeed, a fair thing would be to give to the Independence design the same bonuses Hezarfen has.

    But until then, the only thing Indenpendece is good at is to look good great. :D

  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I suppose at least it's a statement, whilst still lacking a lot and having some "interesting", to say the least, arguments about the Independence vs Hazerfan (I wonder if they actually know the difference themselves), it is still a statement that has been made in repsonce to the community being concerned about this whole thing.

    Main issue is still it was far too late. It has been a month since the Pusat came out, it has been over 6 months since TR servers started getting exclusive events and only now do we get a semi-reasonable statement about the whole thing. Hopefully they can learn from this and if they ever intend on doing it again they will let everyone know ahead of time and give full transparency.
    They still have terrible communication issues however if we are to be optimistic, this could be seen as a step in the right direction to fixing that.

    The funniest part is they put "Reminder" in the title of the thread, as if we were informed of it before it all started happening.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2015
  10. ''We have just been informed that the Promotion Code System will be deactivated tomorrow 30/04/2015. The main reasons for this are both the antiquated nature of the system and the fact that only a few players were actually using it.''

    Why is something that gave a discount on someones first purchase antiquated? Only a few players use the system because there are very few new players that stick around long enough to put money in the game, I'm sure not everyone knows about the system until its to late as well. This isn't even one of the many pressing matters that players keep bringing up yet its the first to change and for the worse :(.
  11. Yeah I had or have atm 50 + codes to use but I dont know 50 new people who buy uri to give them to.
  12. It was not needed anyways. It was not like they said, hey new guy, before you click transmit, go here to get the promotional code for a discount. :confused:
  13. its simple turkish players get more simple and DO dont want to admit it :(
  14. You've been brainwashed to think the ridiculous prices are okay and discounts are bad. Its to late for you. But seriously, it made a first purchase more lucrative, that is good :D.
  15. A flagship aka a design from another country should have a/the bonus since it is the 'Flagship.'

    ASTRAEA User

    Hello everyone,

    As several of you have mentioned this repeatedly, we would like to remind you that all except one special activities and events that have been organized until now by our Turkish sales team located in Istanbul, have found their way to the rest of the world after some time.

    A while ago Bigpoint has opened a subsidiary office in Turkey with the intention to strengthen our efforts of opening up the markets in the east.

    The guys in Istanbul have been tasked with coming up with ideas to support local markets and trying out these ideas on their home turf.

    As DarkOrbit is going strong in Turkey and the guys in the office there are well connected in their area, this was a logical decision for our management.

    Since the exchange of ideas between the TR and the Hamburg office has started, the DO team has implemented some of the ideas that did not require too much manpower, as we still believe that DarkOrbit is a global game, catering to a global community and therefore all players everywhere should have access to the same offers, items and features.

    The only feature exclusively available on the TR servers compared to the rest of the world is (and will be) the Hezarfen Ship design – which essentially has been skinned with the Turkish national flag. Everything else so far has been offered to all other players as well.

    The so-called “One Turkish Lira Sale” has been revised and been turned into the “Super Boosters”, the “Pusat” design will be made available to everyone else soon and even the map we have created for the “Turkish Tournament” will be available to everyone once we have gathered first experience with it and tweaked it.

    This “Tournament” is not automated! Instead it does require a lot of work by the Turkish team.

    So naturally we want to gather some experience how to run tournaments best, what to look out for and how much effort it actually takes.

    Once this is achieved we can share that information across all communities and invite everyone to organize and run their own tournaments.

    Until then, we can assure you that the DarkOrbit team is NOT favoring one community over another (please remember that on the US servers only, you have access to the “Independence” design) but we are indeed running sales on these servers first to see how they perform, if and how we have to tweak them and learn something before we screw up royally in the rest of the world.

    On the topic of special designs: When we have rolled out the “graphical update”, from a technical point of view it should be much easier to add different ship skins for different languages/servers, so we are already looking into this.

    Let me repeat: With all that is happening on the TR servers, it may at first look like we are favoring them but essentially we’re trying out things in the Live environment there and gather data that will help us implementing these changes on other instances.

    If you have any more questions, please let us know.
    As we will be sending a request for more information weekly.

    Thank you all for being a valued part of the Dark Orbit Community.
  17. Hello,

    So why dont you test the things in "live testing" why doesnt it happen to any of the other community's just happens to the Turkish servers
  18. Umm, yes you are favouring them. You are testing it out on turkish servers only, why is that? why you choose to ''test'' these things on turkish servers FIRST?! test servers serve this purpose to test things... not some specific nationality server!
  19. Astraea, do you even play this game? If you did you'd realize that those designs are nothing alike. One is garbage, just a flag on a goli and one is awesome, flag plus 5% damage increase and 10% honor increase. So please, don't tell me the US servers has a design as good as Turkey has. That is a flat out lie. The way you mods cover for DO is just shaming to yourselves. I guess it's impossible to show integrity yourself when your employer has no integrity.
  20. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Did you mean to write something else? All you have done is repost the OA that we were talking about in this thread, we have read it already, the title of this thread is the title of the OA.