Speed limit?

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by ℗·ǺÑØÑŶМŐŪS·№ℓ™, Jul 14, 2024.

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  1. hello I am playing in eternal gate, i am in wave 150+ so you know that its kinda getting to be hard...my point is that i wanted to buy boosters...so when i switched tabs and hit the shop button i got a message 'slow down pilot....' meaning i clicked too fast...it logged me out...i tried again (while i am playing in ebg) and same thing occured...finally i finished the wave i was playing and tried again 4-5 times...same thing again. *** is that? i click too fast?! seriously? get your minds together bugpoint
    ☺chris☻[CHG] likes this.
  2. kona-king

    kona-king User

    maybe it thinks you are a robot. i have been getting verification pictures that i am not a robot while in auction.
  3. Funny, i have too, often. After one and first bid, it shows up to ruin my auction. Especially when you bid about 30 sec before closing, and it pop up, and starts asking the stupidest questions on the earth, when the seconds of the auction are running out. DO should do something about it. it is understandable that when you raise your bids one after the other relatively quickly, but the fact that it asks at the first bid, and totally mess up the whole idea, is so deep, where the sun doesn't really shine at all.
    jayherbo likes this.
  4. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    I'm getting it now:confused: I think it's a test to see how many real legitimate players are still playing and they're trying to find more ways to annoy us and finally rid the game of us and not scumbag botso_O