Spring event eggs

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by CocasTheKiller, Mar 28, 2024.

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  1. Without doubler the eggs give 2 keys, and with DOUBLER they give 3 keys. They should give 4 keys since doubler DOUBLES what you get.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2024
  2. hmm way to do math 1x2 is not 3 or 4 haha!!
    It should only be 2 so 3 is a bonus.
  3. Without doubler you receive 2. With doubler you should receive 4.
  4. Well that's not what you said in your first post?
    Without doubler the eggs give 1 key
  5. I made a typo. I will edit it now.
  6. Yes the event has not started on my server yet but yeah you are right if it drops 2 keys with doubler it's not hard to do the math but then again does anything work right in the game?
  7. xdxd

    xdxd User

    without doubler you're really getting something like 1.5 which gets rounded to 2 so that makes it 3 not 4
  8. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    If we can agree that a negative number is just a positive number multiplied by -1, then we can always write the product of two negative numbers this way:
    (-a)(-b) = (-1)(a)(-1)(b) = (-1)(-1)ab
    For example,
    -2 * -3 = (-1)(2)(-1)(3)
    = (-1)(-1)(2)(3)
    = (-1)(-1) * 6
    So the real question is,
    (-1)(-1) = ?
    and the answer is that the following convention has been adopted:
    (-1)(-1) = +1
    This convention has been adopted for the simple reason that any other convention would cause something to break.
    For example, if we adopted the convention that (-1)(-1) = -1, the distributive property of multiplication wouldn't work for negative numbers:
    (-1)(1 + -1) = (-1)(1) + (-1)(-1)
    (-1)(0) = -1 + -1
    0 = -2
    As Sherlock Holmes observed, "When you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
    Since everything except +1 can be excluded as impossible, it follows that, however improbable it seems, (-1)(-1) = +1.