Spring event

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by CocasTheKiller, Mar 28, 2024.

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  1. The german forum says we can get the LF-PX01 and SG3N-PX01 from the Lucent Alien Eggs but english forum does not. Well, can we get them or not?

    Die Schimmer-Alien-Eier enthalten mit bestimmten Wahrscheinlichkeiten folgende Belohnungen:
    • Instabile Module (DMG-XH01, SHD-XH01, SPC-XH01, HP-XH01, DMG-XOF01, SHD-XOF01, SPC-XOF01, HP-XOF01, DMG-XU03, SHD-XU03, SPC-XU03, HP-XU03)
    • Oster-Designs (Artemis-Drohnen-Design, Eostrana-Drohnen-Design, „Eostra Spectrum“-P.E.T.-Design)
    • Ressourcen (Seprom, Polychrom, instabiles Fragment, Bergungskern, Zulassung, ASR, Indoktrinierungsöl)
    • Techs und Munition (Anti-Minen-Transmitter, NPC-Bombe, Geschwindigkeits-Burst, RSB-75, UCB-100, MCB-50, MCB-25, HSTRM-01, EMP-01, PLT-2021)
    • Waffen(Hyperplasmoid LF-4, Magmadrill LF-4, Paritydrill LF-4, LF-P01, LF-PX01, SG3N-P01, SG3N-PX01)"
  2. Yeah this is very odd when yesterday I read the English post and yes it did say you can get those lasers and shields and today it does not?
    Not only that but all the lasers aren't showing anymore.
  3. ZabusXant

    ZabusXant User

    28.03.2024 - 16:41[​IMG]Used a Lucent Booty Key.
    28.03.2024 - 16:41[​IMG]Received item: Generator - SG3N-PX01
    28.03.2024 - 16:41[​IMG]Received item: Ammunition - R-310 (12)
    28.03.2024 - 16:41[​IMG]Received item: Ammunition - PLD-8 (10)
    28.03.2024 - 16:41[​IMG]Lucent Booty Key collected.

    Here's my log.. so I guess it's a yes, you could obtain at least the SG3N-PX01
    (sorry idk how to post a screenshot so copy pate had to do)