Spring Fest no longer? Where's the Easter Eggs?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by LordDunDrunkum, Apr 21, 2014.

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  1. Have to admit the events over the last 2 or 3 years have become progressively worse. I just pray this isn't a indication of the direction the game is supposedly heading ino_O
  2. ya sorta thought events would get better but that doesn't seem to be the case but oh well guess just gotta go with it whatever free stuff i get am grateful for but if they don't put stuff out that's cool to I like the old days when they gave lots of stuff out but really they aren't obligated to even have events. However if they want to keep their players I.E. Customers happy they may want to do just a bit more.
  3. Raveman100

    Raveman100 User

    The Battle for Flatulence was a useless event, geared to reward the PVP crowd. The rest of us who are struggling just to build up got nothing really. Even the event missions were mostly geared to the pvp crowd. This game is fading. Been a lot of players using magic...more than ususal... lately.
    CptCooter™ likes this.
  4. lost1*

    lost1* User

    Thats yoyou ur opinion but its not supposed to be easy start working for what you want instead of saying give me give me.
    CptCooter™ likes this.
  5. It's not supposed to be the crazy ass difficult game to scare away every player, it's not supposed to be a game where you have to spend to get everything, there's plenty of work to be done on the game to attain a good ship, you don't realize how difficult it can be for a player with little time, a smaller or lacking budget, etc.

    Most are only asking for some changes to make things easier or cheaper, I don't know what your on to make you think that the game as it sits is fine and dandy, I don't know where you get the notion that prices should go up because ''players have to work for everything'', it's a bit insane, don't you think?
    Last edited: May 8, 2014
  6. lost1*

    lost1* User

    No one said there shouldnt be change or that prices shouldnt be lowered but everyone needs to look at this from both sides. free repairs so paying players lost that but free players gained 500 uri in a way / group system came out allowing players to work together but again paying players use x2-3 or 4s while free players use x-1s most of the time so in a way we are earning your reward for you and yet all anyone ever says is it isnt fair.Well how would free players feel if dark orbit said they was bringing out a 100% pay to play server what would happen to the free to play sever when paying players moved to the paid server. The fact is we need each other .
  7. No one forces you to pay, if your unhappy with your purchase then go argue with support. Post some idea's in the update and idea section if you hate the state of the game. Your really upset over the free repairs? It's a balanced little update that makes the game a little better, premium is still valuable in a lot of ways.
  8. lost1*

    lost1* User

    You must be a free player
  9. I don't spend thousands on the game, I do buy something here or there though, I don't think judging what I spend on the game if anything will change anything.
  10. Lost1 is the dude that said in another thread that everything on this game should be paid for with $$ or you can't play. How about no sonny. Keep your ideas to yourself.:p We want our event boxes back(and w/o the R310s and credits)
  11. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    I truly miss playing the DarkOrbit game I signed up to and spent many hours (well thousands of hours) playing for the great entertainment and community spirit it once created.
    I'm slowly weaning myself of even bothering to log on to the forum, or game for the daily bonus, and have given up on collect sep at well over 25mil sep.

    It is sad to see the selfishness from a majority of players these days, but as long as DO is getting their £/$ then they don't seem to care.

    I have to respect them for managing to keep so many UWW spending £/$k chasing manipulated goalposts, farming pixels. But hay, as the saying goes, A fool and their money is easily parted.

    The Easter eggs and other freebies, that help the newbies and less advanced players, are being replaced by events that have a better chance of getting the next newbie sucker, that thinks spending thousands to get a top 100 rank actually means anything.

    How sanctimonious and self righteous you words are. If you even feel an ounce of truth in your words, then delete your DO account sell your PC and give the proceeds to the poor.
    It is not about complaining about having or not having, it is about a company respecting all of its customers, not just the few that spend the most.

    It is so ironic, that someone who has spent so much on a 2D game, that is little better than a farming game for pixel rewards these days, decides to preach about world poverty.
  12. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    If DO brought out a 100% pay to play server, there would be a few 100 players ( maybe a few thousand ) that would spend stupid money to farm for the top ranks with 50 or so spending uber money for the top spots. All being bitchy with each other chasing their selfish goal.

    The free players and occasional spenders that just want to play a recreational game with fair play and community spirit, would once again have a game that is focused on looking after the average player.

    I would bet that the non pay to play version, would turn out to be by far the most populated and the best revenue creator, if the core values for the game focused on a formula for battle advantage much closer to the game so many dedicated so much time to in the first 2-3 years of Darkorbit.

    The pay 2 play server would not need Easter eggs, but the free to play server would once again appreciate the event box content, because they would be worth collecting.
  13. Alright pacman. Thanks for calling everyone who plays this game a fool. Nice hypocrite. How about you quit being nostalgic and coming back. Just stay away because we don't want you. Your kind are ruining progress in this game constantly moaning about how it used to be. I guess I'm one of the few, but I like the game better now than how it used to be. Lots of problems yes, but we can always progress. You know what they say; "yesterday is history."
    KłŁŁER likes this.
  14. lost1*

    lost1* User

    First of all you dont know me nor do you know how much I have donated to charity let alone to players on this game. I have given 1000's away just on game cards I have sent computers and Ipads to players children because I could I have sent money to tornado victims of this game and I have helped playing members pay for furnal cost of there loved ones / I dont have to sell my computer to help someone can you say the same. P.s. I dont have an issue with players receiving free stuff I have an issue when they complain about not getting free stuff Be Thankful for what you do have or receive.
    Last edited: May 12, 2014
  15. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    If the cap fits wear it. How is what I say Hippocratic?

    If the string pullers turn the game around so the average player/spender was the main focus for revenue growth;

    so that the average play did not feel like cannon fodder, for the minority of cheats and WW and the game did not require Ks of hrs farming, just to get the best ship spec, then I would be posting total different opinions of the game I once loved.

    I can only guess you feel like a fool and have spend more money on the game than you are happy with.

    On what level has anything I have written in this forum, with minimal traffic, (even less from potential new players,) having any effect in ruining the game?

    The string pullers after a quick buck, killed the game. I have spend the last 4 years plus wasting my time, like so many;
    trying to get the DO string pullers to see the light, but I guess short term profit makes one blind.

    I think the game is better that it was at its ultimate worst, but that's like saying;

    if I put a 1L engine in my Ferrari after the engine blew up, it is better than before I put the 1L engine in it.

    A few that have bought top ship for pittance or have spent many £/$k on a 2d game and the cheats that still get away with cheating, will see the game as better than it was, as they have so much strength that they can bully most average players.

    I would say "have a great time today as you can look back on it", if your past experiences are not worth mentioning then that is your issue not mine.

    You now what they say;
    “Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it”
    "fools and their money are easily parted"
    "A stitch in time saves nine" ( DO needs to a few k stitches )

    You are correct we do not know each other. What you do or not do for charity has little to do with DO and how the game is today.

    You say "
    I dont have an issue with players receiving free stuff I have an issue when they complain about not getting free stuff Be Thankful for what you do have or receive.";

    When the game was great, there was a balance, so a free player could play a few % of their time and have the same as a WW, an Uber WW could have the best 100% of the time.
    These days, well I don't need to explain.

    You say "
    I dont have an issue with players receiving free stuff I have an issue when they complain about not getting free stuff Be Thankful for what you do have or receive."

    I say, I am very lucky to have what I have and if I had a magic wand, everyone would be so lucky, there would not be poverty, no natural disasters, Money ( a promise to pay) would reflect contribution to the worlds population;

    not who manipulates the worlds population the most, for their own gain.

    You say "
    I dont have an issue with players receiving free stuff I have an issue when they complain about not getting free stuff Be Thankful for what you do have or receive.";

    I say" If free players were treated fairly they would not need to complain."
    Last edited by moderator: May 24, 2014