[TI] still geting kick out

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BE$$SCARED$$, Jul 25, 2021.

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  1. -Kante-

    -Kante- User

    I have the same problem.
    "us3.darkorbit.com is currently unable to handle this request.
    HTTP ERROR 500" only with this server. Others work fine.
  2. mxmumefort

    mxmumefort User

    yep 8 days now and they STILL cant fix what they screwed up... if you cant fix it then transfer all accounts affected to a server that is working...
  3. Turbinesco

    Turbinesco User

    hi guys
    i wonder whi we cannot by the ammunition JOB in this server?
  4. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Howdy all, the client issues should be resolved now.

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