Still have no clue what I'm doing

Discussion in 'Meet the Players - Who's Who' started by Flubbs, Jul 25, 2023.

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  1. Flubbs

    Flubbs User

    Hello there :) I remember playing Dark Orbit in middle school as if it was yesterday. Mainly because returning to it now, I had absolutely no idea what to do or how to progress in the game then, and still have absolutely no idea now. So good to know nothings really changed. However, I hope to have a bit of a longer stay this time, and maybe meet some people. and possibly even learn how to actually play and progress in the game, we'll see about that one though. Glad to be here, glad to see the game is still around. I'll take any tips and advice you can throw at me.
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ and murdoc01 like this.
  2. murdoc01

    murdoc01 User

    ide help u with advice and stuff if you like flubbs ,im vru
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ likes this.