Strange rank

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by °»I¢εmλη«°[Us2], Jun 4, 2014.

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  1. Is normal when i log for the 1st time of the day my rank is basic space pilot? I was captain :D
  2. lost1*

    lost1* User

    I see this myself on alot of players includeing myself but it doesnt seem to be on all players nor does it seem to affect your actual rank
  3. CURVY

    CURVY User

    if you have not logged on for over 4 weeks your rank defaults to basic space pilot, and will stay like this until the ranks update again which is every 24 hours. it doesn't affect your actual rank, as once the update happens you will be back to captain. hope this helps.
  4. lost1*

    lost1* User

    Thats not a complete answer / I log on everyday but still see this happening however you are correct also.
  5. Server restart - it happens - every time 5:30 Amish your server time :)
    ...KIDZ... likes this.
  6. It might be because of server restart, then you are basic pilot until you relog, or another possibility that BP has some problem with ranking, and it needs to be repaired. In that case, everything you can do is be patient, rank doesn't matter at all.. :)
  7. yeah i think the same, thanks for the reply! I was only curious :D
    Mod can close the thread! ;)
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