Streamline the Lab CPU and while you're at

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Explosivo55, Aug 6, 2024.

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  1. So i'm at a loss as to why the rocket CPU is streamlined with the User interface, getting its own on/off switch, as well as the likes of the fuel assistant, but the Lab CPU you have to go through the game setting option to turn it on/off.

    This just simply is not a practical option and nor an obvious method of doing it (had to ask clan members how to get it to work) and request it is given its own user interface option too,

    and while you're at it, do the same for the auto generator CPU which doesn't have any on/off option (that i know of)

    oh and as a side note, remove the damn feature that gives you a pirate booty box in place of cargo, this hampers the consistency of getting resources to upgrade with
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2024
  2. Twotam1

    Twotam1 User

    agree that booty boxes should not show up when kilng noc, unless it's made that you canpick it up while not having booty key. We killed it, we should get reward.
    Explosivo55 likes this.