Stuck at Gamma Gate. Need help!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by βℓαпк●§ραсε, Nov 5, 2023.

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  1. Just lost my connection at gamma kristallons. All mobs were cornered so i dont think my ship destroyed. But i cant login back to game. Establishing connection screen not passing. what am i supposed to do. need help soon.
  2. i just logged in and finished the wave. :D
  3. Stuck in gate isn't the only issue, I have to clear cache each time I do a gate or it doesn't count towards kronos.
    Every week something else is broken in the game and takes weeks for a response and a band aid.
    ХЕКАТОМБА likes this.
  4. tonka-toy

    tonka-toy User

    tried for 4hours to get on , 5 mins mins seems to be the max before it loses conn, Bang goes another weekend were we cant do our gates ,so much is going wrong i,ve cancelled prem and rebate ,
    ХЕКАТОМБА likes this.