Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Dragonxs, Jan 11, 2025.

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  1. Dragonxs

    Dragonxs User

    Hi I went in test server last night as it was open and then when I claimed calenda item it just kept trying to connect to server. so I then went to go back to global and it was blank no servers to chose from I sent in ticket but still there if anyone can help mod thanks
  2. tibstar

    tibstar User

    also as above
  3. tibstar

    tibstar User

    words of advise "DO NOT ENTER TEST SERVER"
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2025
  4. have the same yesterday :(
  5. Dragonxs

    Dragonxs User

    Hi just to let you know I sent in ticket to support and they changed my server so if your stuck I would ask support to move you to your server