Stuck on loading screen.

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by -TACKO-[H.E], Aug 11, 2023.

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  1. The game now won't start past the loading screen. It halfway loads then stops. The privacy settings keep showing up though.
  2. Took quite a while to get in.
    Screen would show either a 504 or a 503 error message.
    Eventually, after using the URL listing as seen on the DO browser, the game loaded. However, even then it was much slower than expected.
  3. tonka-toy

    tonka-toy User

    well you r lucky everytime i try to load a screen back or front the cookies preference page covers the screen and makes me choose to reject cookies or allow ive rejected it 43 times so far and when get on front screen up it comes again and freezes the page forcing me to close browser and start again which brings up the screen again and freezes gonna log off for a month or so till its working again ,im stopping premium till the games playable again

    wow just logged in to see the event has changed since i was last able toget on so i gather ive lost the 24 keys i had on last event and also d.o mugging us off again ( MPORTANT: Luminium is NOT obtainable via Dispatch! Any unused Luminium at the end of the event is converted to honor points 48 hours after the event ends. 1 Luminium will be converted to 1 Honor. Maximum honor points obtained through conversion is capped at 10,000.) why do you keep taking away the resources we,ve spent uridium on getting things, like elite ammo , boosters etc we buy the uridium with real momey then use it for the event collect the resources and then you take them away ,you dont need to your doing this to gain income ,sigh whats the point
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 17, 2023
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