''Submarine Type'' Ships for EIC , MMO and VRU !

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ●»LØØПIξ•TЦПξ$™«●, May 10, 2014.

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  1. you expect a fighter jet to fly in space -.- How about a Pulse engine? And the ship should never look like modern day submarines lol, or it'd be totally awkward. and please read my previous post, you made an error there lol.
  2. That's what i mean -.-''
  3. Good then.
  4. SauronL

    SauronL User

    types can be green, blue and red for all 3 ships,

    thats same like --- EIC will have just citadel , MMO aegis and VRU spearhead
    with all abilities different -

    These submarines are like aegis - MMO, EIC and VRU but all will have different abilities , that wont happen :confused:

    *Make 3 submarines like aegis ,spear and cit - how it is now:)
  5. Another Aegis type ship ?

    Naaaoooooooo :eek: :)
  6. There is no sea in space, but I am already a submarine :cool: +1
  7. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Lol you really didnt understand what i mean :cool: , i wasnt talking about aegises :confused:
  8. Like Subs in real life, they are slow. 350 speed + 100 speed (Generator slots) = 450 + Prom = 540 speed. They shouldn't be like a goli or anywhere near a vengi in terms of speed, decrease it to 290
  9. ♥♥♥

    ♥♥♥ User

    there is a Submarine game by BigPoint already, called Deepolis, go play there if u want subs lol
  10. Subs should be extremely slow man. And pls change the name, don't call it submarines lol, it's getting ridiculous for some people :p
  11. Yeah, true dat. It is a submarine game 'Deepolis.'
    Hauler™ likes this.
  12. Well SUBMARINE TYPE ships ...

    Because ship is designed on submarine's cloaking , torpedo etc. ability .__.
  13. Hauler™

    Hauler™ User

    I am really sorry but i had to laugh. :D

    I aint saying its not a good idea but BP have a game for your idea and is called Deepolis ;)

    GL lol :)
  14. Can't - Dive Dive Dive in space - lol :D
  15. Ok now, lets see, no submarines, lets call it: Stealth Ships, because they can cloak anytime they want right?
  16. Hauler™

    Hauler™ User

    Okay a space ship with cloak ability sounds fine maybe new design or something :)

  17. its called a spear we already got 1 of them lol
    Hauler™ likes this.
  18. I'm sorry man but you can name it better than that. How about Shadow-K2. or something like that :p
  19. Well ... no :p

    Guys , aside of SeaFight , Deepolis , PS etc. Dark Orbit is a ship game too (well SPACEship) . Cruisers , fighters etc. So there should be a SUBMARINE too ? You guys didn't understand because you think easy , let think a submarine spaceship on space ?

    Thanks :3
  20. No. Name it better, this isn't a 3D nor Ship game, these are spaceships , name it better man. How come DO don't name goliath as "Cars" ? and Nostromos as "Trains" ? and liberators as "speedboats"? If you think we think easy, then it is a big no from me. I dislike then, we don't need infinite cloakers -.-