Summons of Athena Event Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Jul 24, 2024.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Please post your constructive feedback here for the Summons of Athena Event. Please be thoughtful in your comments here and feel free to create new posts in the appropriate areas for your questions or event discussions.

    As usual, off topic posts will be removed from this thread.

    Thank you,
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2024
  2. Iwakura

    Iwakura User

    Are there gonna be shared Laurel Booty odds?
  3. _-Pretty much was a joke. 88 Keys: total of (48) Diametrion -You can pretty much get that amount through Dispatch- (26,000) Seprom -Very very unnecessary 26 Keys worth- (1,500 GG Spins).. About 57 keys Alone.. rest was ammo.. Very funny DO.
    test020 likes this.
  4. idk what to tell you dude, but you spent money on this (I think?), fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, fool me n-th time?

    this isn't event, this is just another paid addition, nobody cares
    Seraphim likes this.
  5. test020

    test020 User

    it's a reskin of the easter event with the drop rate of the atremis drone minus the solar boxes dropping keys, though don't be harsh to people that support the game financially or else there wouldn't be any game for us to play, i need another reskin or a terrible plus ship like spectrum plus and if the game is dead then such content can't be made or enjoyed, also the 30% drop rate from high pieces gates like kappa, epsilon zeta and delta imply they want people burning off the solar box event GGe they got before the nerf unlike empyrian march or prometheus which can drop from abg and alpha has like 34 pieces needed, them solar boxes used to drop like 30 or so energies before it was capped to 5 and it was announced that they had to extend the event because many users bought box doubler specifically to gather the boxes.

    the items themselves seem to be alright but at least i can get something from doing zeta other than booty box, the extra diametrion is good too, i've been on a unlucky streak and haven't been getting any diametrion from gates or dispatch :confused:
  6. BATO

    BATO User

    These boxes must for sure be the worst boxes in the history of darkorbit 88 keys used and i got

    147 000 x4
    1300 gg clicks
    25000 Seprom
    8000 CC-AMMO
    2 NOVAS
    80 ABR
  7. supporting the game is fine if you think it deserves it (think about bots, cheaters, bugs, etc.) you do you man lmao

    but, and that's a big but, I support games by buying stuff that's valuable and this ain't it, this is just gambling, you don't even get odds which is illegal in many countries and bp better address this and other regulatory issues they have quick before someone reports it
  8. SOSAGE3

    SOSAGE3 User

    its a big joke for an event when u cant even plan the box chances lmao gg wp do
  9. Iwakura

    Iwakura User

    I opened 88...
    Sadly, these are the worst boxes (% wise) in darkorbit history ngl
  10. 88 keys GAVE ME::
    around 1,5k GG spins
    total of 3 box content 10 week premium status
    1 single box of 100.000 uridium
    and rest ammo and some abr and ofc around 30k seprom
  11. so just used the one key that dropped for me in the minimal amount of gates i'm doing at the increased price being asked for a galaxy gate weekender, and needless to say x3 diametrion is a close cut deal for me ever going out of my way to invest into getting these keys... totally fooking diabolical worth
  12. I did a gate to see and Im sorry giving me seprom for that is a joke. Its worse than all the keys now in the game that just give junk.

    Someone needs to clean out all the unused trash. Like the 'infected krys in maps' they do not count to any quests and just take up space.

    Maybe update the quests once a month to something new. Try content to make things fresh.