Support or Lack Thereof

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ROCKIN-RON, Jan 20, 2014.

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    Is it possible to make a complaint about a specific support person? Would they even do anything or is it a waste of time? I believe I have a valid complaint, but I can't just send it to support blindly. I need to know if there's someone in particular, that I can address it to.
  2. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello ROCKIN-RON

    If you have an issue with a Support contact, you can request to have your Ticket passed higher up, but there is no specific contact that you can address it to initially.

    Do you have further questions?
    ROCKIN-RON likes this.


    Thank you for help.
  4. Hey Rockin-Ron.. Keep up the Good Work.. havent seen you in awhile but you keep Plugging.. cause Your Right On Point..

    Ak ak AkAk..
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