Switching the maps.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by padiddle, Dec 17, 2013.

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  1. padiddle

    padiddle User

    This started as more of a disgruntlement last year during winter quests when Dark Orbit had us doing x-3 npcs on enemy maps. I realized that vru was at a disadvantage, especially for weaker players, b/c we had to go thru another enemy map to get there. I was doing one of those quests this year, though I didn't realize at first b/c I wasn't paying attention, when a cm pointed out to me that I should be doing them on an enemy map. I pointed out to the cm that we are at an unfair disadvantage as eic and mmo have direct access to x-3 maps. The cm saw my point but said the game wasn't the place to voice it and to post in forums. So rather then just complain in forums I decided to investigate a poss solution. In the course of my investigation I realized eic had the same problem only w/ x-4 and that mmo had the only true access to both x-3 and x-4 maps. I apologize for the long winded explanation and I hope you understand the situation when I post this suggestion. The solution seems to be straight forward though and that is that the mmo x-3 and x-4 maps need to be swapped. I took a screen shot of the in-game map and modified it w/ the changes. Unfortunately I am not sure how to get it in here and hope you all get the picture. Now just a reminder that this doesn't just affect the winter quests or any quest for that matter but access to all maps for any reason. Just a couple more things this doesn't affect the portal count x-4 would still have access to the lower battle maps. Please feel free to voice your concerns and constructive criticism. Thanks.

    Map after 1-4 and 1-3 swapped

  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    This would be a huge update. It not only is changing the entire "galaxy" around, but it is making new players adapt to the new locations. I don't think that a direct transfer from the old maps to this one would be such a great idea.
  3. padiddle

    padiddle User

    I am not going to argue and try to change your opinion just clarify some facts. First I want to point out that it is only 2 maps being switched and that it would be better for new players to learn the changes before they are set with the current setup. If the change is made, just like anything, some new people are going to be affected if not tomorrow in a year from now after beta testing is done. I admit that this will require some adjustment and not just for mmo but all companies. The positives and negatives should be looked at though. I have stated my view and I appreciate your response and giving us another view.
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