Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by The Red Baron, Mar 6, 2024.

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  1. New Idea for BP, why not change T&C to allow bot's with no chance of bans.
    Some accounts have over 18 hours a day since they were created and the detection system obviously isn't doing it's job.

    If this was the intent of BP why not just change it and stop with the threats of a ban, how is this fair game play to all when players who spend money are scared to lose their account's?
    While others have multiple accounts running trains 18 hours a day.

    I want lvl 20 lasers haven't even got my first set while others have a few or more ships all full lvl 20 lasers shields etc.

    I want to run my ship 18 hours a day without having to be on every day just like over 80% of the player base who built new ships to bot while parking their real account and only using it when it's beneficial like botting with a train using a new account as the leader so never gonna be detected by BP.

    I have hundreds of millions of ammo from years of playing and nothing to use it all on or not enough time to use it all.

    I have also asked support to come out with a crafting option to craft bigger ammo using smaller ammo for a resource something like 100k x2 in exchange for 10k x3 and 100k x3 for 10k x4.


    Would really like a response as I posted this in the proper place and just asking an important game question not flaming on support!!! Thanks
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 14, 2024
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