Tad Bit Inquisitive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DeJaVu, Apr 15, 2014.

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  1. DeJaVu

    DeJaVu User

    I was a bit curious about this in my logbook:
    02.04.2014 - 21:52[​IMG]"Bonus box booster" purchased (500)
    This is not the first time I have noticed this in my logbook in the past but up until now it became questionable. Does the (500) mean the total boxes collected allowed? I thought the Boxing Doubler was unlimited for the 8 weeks that the package is good for? What I have noticed when I collect boxes pretty steadily that
    "Bonus box booster" purchased (500)"
    pops up more often than when I farm the uridium. Any ideas on the details of this topic??o_O

  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The bonus box doubler definitely runs for 8 weeks and there is no limit to how many boxes you can pick up with the doubler active, as for the (500) I really don't have a clue what that means, if nobody is able to answer that aspect of it then might be best to ask support.
    Unless it means the system has given you 500 sets of 10 hour box doubler boosters that will automatically shut down after 8 weeks regardless of hour many hours of them you use.

    As for it reoccurring in your logs, I get the same thing with the rebate package every few days, it's just a sort of reminder that you have it I guess. Your definitely not being changed for a new package each time it comes in your logs as some people have asked about in the past.
  3. Hello DeJaVu

    Thank you Okapi32 for assisting with this thread.

    If you have Rebate or Box doubler subscribed to your account you will get that message till its expiry and it usually shows up once in few days.

    Q: Does the (500) mean the total boxes collected allowed?
    A: No, you can collect as many boxes you like in 8 weeks.

    Q: I thought the Boxing Doubler was unlimited for the 8 weeks that the package is good for?

    A: Its indeed unlimited for 8 weeks.

    Your subscriptions like rebate, doubler and premium gets renewed only if you fail to cancel the subscription, so it is always better to cancel the subscription as and when you pay for it as it is not going to affect the benefits attached to those subscription and you will continue to enjoy those benefits until its expiry.

    Please follow the instructions for cancellation of subscriptions as mentioned below:

    - Click on uridium page from you back page.
    - Click on subscriptions.
    - Click here to delete your personal banking details. (use this option to clear you last payment method)

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2014
  4. DeJaVu

    DeJaVu User

    No that pretty much cleared up my question on the topic. TY :)
  5. .-Raijin-.

    .-Raijin-. User

    Closing as Answered.

    Best regards,
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