
Discussion in 'General Issues' started by DEXTER-MORGAN, Jan 13, 2023.

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  1. What is this new resource called tarnom that is dropped from the npc in the bonus wave of plutos?
  2. Its not a new resource, Tarmon (and opitite) were available during plutus experiment event in 2019 and it was used to craft event recipes in assembly. I dont know why its dropping, maybe they are planning to add new recipes to game.
  3. Larrakin

    Larrakin User

    If they are, they will need to be very cheap to craft due to the very random (RNG based) way it is obtained in limited amounts.
    Of course this is DO, so they'll probably just sell it in the shop, then make what you craft with it RNG based too.
  4. hahah realy ???? tarnom ond optite hahahaha this must be a huge bugg...
  5. Excessive

    Excessive User

    No issues with getting Tarnom here. 7 gates completed 1 bonus gate.
    Gotta luv RNG.
  6. 41k Tarnom here, from 2019 Plutus experiments. hopefully the recipe comes out again.
  7. hopefully they are worth it 154k here lol but there has to be a reason we have so much like the recipe's are not worth it!!!
  8. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Thanks for assisting the OP,

    Hello @DEXTER-MORGAN ,

    Do you have any further questions or can we close?
    ХЕКАТОМБА likes this.