Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Magnus_Skipton, Dec 18, 2020.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
  1. and what's strange?
    codes come to those servers that you have not visited for a long time


    i got 6 emails,and ive never been on any of the servers they were for,hmm
  3. Server numbers cannot be found ( I only see server names anyway) plus odd ID codes.

    ( unless of course the admins can confirm it to be legit )


    ya i figured as much,i got id numbers,and server numbers also,if any MOD needs them.
  5. Lol, so somebody in game told me. I guess BP, or at least the server that actually runs things thought I had stopped playing and wanted to entice me back.

    Note: I say the server runs things cause lets face it, with all the problems, and cheats in game, its clear there's no HUMAN at the helm of this game, and the servers are to stupid to spot/fix the issues.
    ]Coldheart[ likes this.
  6. I have unused Bytes left in my inventory that I can not use to craft because it has been removed.
    In the faq that "All Byte Remnants will be removed from your inventories 24 hours after the event ends." There is no point in this if i cant use it to craft laser to convert later on the 26th.
    I want to craft ammo and rockets with the bytes I have left. Can you please enable this so it can be used.

    Same with the keys, I have like 50 keys left I have not used.

    There are some event recipes that aren’t available during the event but will be active only after the event end – from 26th March at 00:00 LST until 2nd April at 23:59 LST.
    AmmunitionEMAA-203,5001x AA-1Multiple times
    AmmunitionEMAA-203,5001x AAP-1Multiple times
    AmmunitionUBR-1005001x AA-1Multiple times
    AmmunitionSR-5301x AA-1Multiple times
    AmmunitionUBR-1005001x AAP-1Multiple times
    AmmunitionSR-5301x AAP-1Multiple times
  7. HDMVP

    HDMVP User

    The event has removed AAP event lasers leaving me unable to redeem my bytes. Please bring back the lasers so I can redeem them. I did not want 500 lasers cluttering my hanger before hand so I did not craft them ahead of time.

    FAQ states we have 24 hours until the bytes are deleted. Please give us 24 hours to at least redeem our unused bytes!
  8. just jumping on the thread about that aap lasers, had my account hacked a year back, hundreds of lf3's were bought on the account and was never usable without support help. crafting 200-500 aap lasers is not feasible to hold in my hanger that would make it lag
    there is no way i would be able to change my config to prepare for pvp, i would be stuck with what equipment i had before

    just saying it was not clear to everyone that the option would not be available as soon as the event ended but the bytes would remain
    that does not make sense if the case is that the crafting would not be available, please remove the bytes as the event ends, why wait the 24 hours to remove them

    some message i posted on discord
  9. I second this, the exchange for ammo, rockets etc. is there for 7 more days, please put back byte exchange back for the same amount of time.
  10. And, has anyone same brob. When log in game, it take few minutes, and all pages freeze down, and i found myself on dekstop, sometimes twice . It's annoying when playing GG and don't know when game continue desktop, and playin with a cursor only.
  11. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Thanks for answering the player º¤»ĐЯΣΔΜ◊†◊ÐΣМΦИ«¤º. Closing as the OP has not responded.
    TermiteFan likes this.