Technical Assistance

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by =SERAPH=, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. i cant log into the game, i cleard my cache because of mad lag, and now i keep getting bad gateway,

    ive re installed the client, ive rebooted alot of times, and nothing, any advice?

    i have solved the issue, and i think it should be pinned,

    If getting a bad gateway when opening the client, click at the URL and change server, then change back to your server,
    this restarted it for me and made it work again
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 4, 2025
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  2. so i cant play on unity and could really do with some help,,,

    only download links are to v14 and v15 open beta.
    there is no other links, and they do not update to the right version

    please help
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2025
    -PRICEYSID- likes this.

  3. mines on version 18, goes to update bit on game, but dont do nothing when i click on unity launcher for the update, im sure it be fixed soon enough lol
  4. have u got your net runtime updated?

    i got told to update that first then download unity, but, the unity wont update attall, just goes to start and feezes around 15% the way
  5. sky lab since 1 month not yet going ???when he will funktion normaly .
  6. And. now they added extra quickslot to fill gamepage more.. And for what, when i want to go skylab and sending, it close whole game and relog..
    what probability has it been calculated that the players want all these shortcuts leading to the back page to fill more of the game page itself?
    And what is this new one when it is already "forced" into the old icon group and by adjusting it the whole old package now moves as well
    you can adjust it as one big cluster or horizontally where there are two rows on top of each other with a considerable empty gap,
    vertically, but then the size adjustment disappears from the screen button which therefore prevents me from changing it further.
    And the only thing that helps here is "Restore settings" and we're back to square one.
    How on earth can everything be made difficult and mess it up?
    You could assume that the game would have been released yesterday with all the bugs
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  7. doff2121

    doff2121 User

    hey brothe may you can help me!!i cant play for 3 days in a raw cause im stuck in a white screen at unity client and cant loging to change server and play normally...also noone in the suport is helping me..may you could do something for that?
  8. 2090

    2090 User

    Please fix Urgent Missions on Ganymed srv
  9. noob204

    noob204 User

    I need help I've downloaded the Clint but I don't see a button to play and if I press the battle button were you log in and such it sends me back to the client douwnload.
  10. UNITY Client? I cannot run it for some reason it always freezes. I go to dark orbit browser and under Unity it says mini client...thats what I use.

    I believe when you download Unity you have to go to downloads on your pc and click on Dark Orbit to extract all files then Dark Orbit installer as I do that with Flash file also
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 9, 2025 at 1:25 AM
  11. noob204

    noob204 User

    ok thanks
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ likes this.
  12. How did you make out with that?